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Threadbare RPG
by Amy K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/10/2023 21:05:49

This is a wonderful setting that lends itself well to groups that do on the fly roll play well. I will say, having visual aids also helps people really get into " fixing " their characters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Threadbare RPG
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Threadbare RPG
by Thomas P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/22/2021 07:08:49

Creative and innovative - full of good ideas. You can make this as dark and mioserable as Mork Borg or be entirely family friendly and light, as your taste dictates.

As far as I know this is an entirely unique game setting and is a delight to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Threadbare RPG
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/31/2018 21:11:28

i have played this game a few times usually with teen girls with limited gaming experience and found thia to be perfect they have little experience and gave them a tasfe of gaming without being overpowering. the ladies if they could i am sure would start rpg games but we live in nowhere and they are so busy being teens with a gpa 4.0 . so the game was perfect lighthearted fun that had depth. we love the game and have enjoyed it immensly. the creator of it is a total genius creating games adults can play with them and still have fun!? who does that madness?! awesome game

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Threadbare RPG
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/31/2018 08:55:19

I love this game.

I first encountered this game as a player at BBC in 2017. I fell in love with it. It's an interesting PBtA game that allows for several different themes from a My Little Pony friendship theme to a gritty, stitchpunk, body horror theme. It's all in the presentation and what the players want.

I've played this with my local gaming group of age 40+ people. We played a 1-shot somewhere between the MLP and Body Horror levels. My friends had a great time and things went pretty dark at the end. Everyone said they really enjoyed the narative control the game offers and we're considering a longer story arc next time we pick it up.

My kids (6 and 11) and I did a MLP-esque game with some light wrestling to subdue some opponents. It was light and they enjoyed bringing their favorite toys to the table as characters.

All in all I think this is a great game and I hope people enjoy it as much as my circles have.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Threadbare RPG
by Graeme C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/30/2018 17:59:27

I really like this game. I have played with adults and children and both groups have had a lot of fun. Everyone seems to enjoy bringing their favourite toys to the table. The prohibition on combat in the game takes some getting used to - it is surprisingly challenging for an old gamer like me to present non-violent obstacles. However, this is a player problem and not a game problem. There are, in fact, simple rules to administer voilent encounters that are fair and fun to describe. There are plenty of toy world ideas to draw from in the book and the introductory scenarios are solid. I recommend bringing craft supplies to the table so that the players can build stuff instead of stacking dice into towers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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