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The Journals of Simon Pariah #1 $0.99
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The Journals of Simon Pariah #1
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The Journals of Simon Pariah #1
Publisher: AIM Comics
by jeffrey v. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/03/2013 16:36:39

I felt like I had been misled based on what I had read in the description. I thought I would be reading original ideas using past events/figures both real and imagined. This story was basically a retelling of RE Howard's "The Thing in the Crypt" featuring Conan the Barbarian. The author freely admits after the tale his character was inspired by Howard's creations as well as another sword/sorcery author.

The art was good and supported the story but I found the illustration of Wolverine to be unnecessary and detrimental to the feeling of the time period the author was trying to create.

The text could have benefited from a good proofreading. There are numerous grammatical mistakes in punctuation and spelling that could have been caught.

I did like the format. I like comics that are text heavy with fewer illustrations allowing for better fleshed out storytelling.

All in all this might not have been the strongest issue to start the series. Perhaps it might have worked better as a flashback.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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