Return to the world of Bloodshot in the thrilling second installment of the Black, White, and Blood anthology! The co-creator of Bloodshot, Kevin Van Hook, returns! Shintaro Kago and Timmy Heague deliver new and brutal challenges that push Bloodshot to his limits. Each tale delves deep into Bloodshot's psyche, exploring themes of loyalty, revenge, and the line between hero and villain in stark black,... [click here for more]
"Family Blood"
The origin of Bloodshot revealed! Who is Angelo Mortalli and how did he end up in the grip of Iwatsu Industries and Project Rising Spirit?
Featuring guest appearances by the Eternal Warrior and the Geomancer.
Intended for readers 15+ ... [click here for more]
Guardians RPG is quite unlike any superhero role playing game currently on the market. Using the same basic rules as Justifiers RPG, it is an easy to-play percentile based gaming system. Both player and gamemaster are given plenty of opporunity to tailor characters they will enjoy gaming. Getting back to its comic book roots, Guardian has an established continuity, or history, which... [click here for more]