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 Imagine your best friend has blown up and become the biggest movie star on the planet. Now image that you (best friend) and your sister (girlfriend) have up-rooted your lives and took him up on a promise he made long ago to hook you up when he became famous. However, when you get there you realize not only are you not welcome but you've already been replaced! ... [click here for more] |
Invulnerable Comics |
Pay What You Want
 Secret Lair of the Yellow Wizard - The first Monsters! Monsters! Mini-Adventure & Comic! This is a preview of Cthulhu Crisis: Rise of the Yellow Wizard, a combined gaming & comic adventure that melds the two into something you can read like a comic and then use as reference when running the included (and related) GM adventure! We are including M!M! stats for the main characters in the comic,... [click here for more] |
Carnal Comics |
Pay What You Want
 An action/monster horror series about a band of supernatural coffee shop patrons who team up to secretly protect the owner from other supernatural threats. ... [click here for more] |
Andres Labrada |
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Cub Reporter Henrietta Tilney is sent on her first assignment, to interview accused mass murderer Lord Beowulf Harwood. But young Henrietta quickly finds out there is much more to this story and its subject Lord Harwood. Will this plucky young reporter get her story and survive with her life intact? ... [click here for more] |
Dusk Comics |
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 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival! Swiftsure was Harrier's flagship anthology comic, and in these pages you will find incredible stories from the first wave of the fabled Black and White comics British invasion. In this first issue, behind the stunning Bryan Talbot cover, and after an introduction by Alan Moore, we begin the continuing adventures of HMS Conqueror's Lieutenant Fl'ff, plus Jim Dandy,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to MEGABOOK M5! 25 stories and 216 pages long! Incredible comics from the amazing minds of amazing indie creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGABOOK fans enjoying the adventures of the indy universe! CAUTION! Reading this Anthology is an infectious addiction. Leading to long durations of intense reading and sleepless nights of fantasy and adventure!... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Golden Age Heroine Diana Adams is finally in her own full length Graphic Novel. Since her inception in Nedor Comics' Exciting Comics #51 (September 1946), Diana Adams has been worked on by comic greats from Alan Moore to Alex Ross. Now the amazing team, of David Doub, Jerry Gonzales, and Jaymes Reed have updated Diana Adams for modern times. Diana Adams, is a woman addicted to excitement. She'll... [click here for more] |
Dusk Comics |
Pay What You Want
 The return of Harrier's flagship anthology comic continues, with the debut of the "Forest" series written by James Hill, with absolutely stunning artwork by Kev Hopgood, who also drew the cover. Also on board are the second episodes of Jim Dandy, Lieutenant Fl'ff, Rock Solid, and Ram Assassin, making for 26 pages of top-grade British comics.<o:p></o:p>
It's over thirty years... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
MEGABOOK M4, the little brother Behemoth to M1 thru M3! 51 stories and 294 pages long! Incredible comics from amazing of creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGAFANS enjoying the adventures of the indy underworld! CAUTION! Downloading this book will make your digital device HEAVY! Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting! And let them read M1, M2 &... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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Traditionally, the Starlin Academy has been a strict boarding school whose members are allowed no contact with the outside world. Now its doors are about to open, and the world will soon discover a whole new meaning to the term, “non-human intelligence”!
Subhuman Sanctum is the latest series from Corridor Realms, a colorful new line of urban paranormal fantasy... [click here for more] |
Corridor Media |
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A collection of my Anime and Manga based fan-art. Mostly classic stuff, but some new things. Despite being stupidly old, I do speak anime. ... [click here for more] |
Shlepzig.Comics |
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 This fifth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us the first chapter of "Forest: Conversations" by the crew of James Hill, Mike Collins, Kev Hopgood & Steve Whitaker, plus the first painted cover and story for Ram Assassin by Martin Lock & Jeff Anderson, a new Jim Dandy chapter by Steve Baskerville, and Lieutenant Fl'ff written by editor Martin Lock, and drawn by Mike... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This fourth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us two chapters of "Codename: Andromeda" by Ryan & Harwood, plus the new cover featuring Codename: Andromeda, a new Jim Dandy chapter, and Lieutenant Fl'ff written by editor Martin Lock, and drawn by Mike Collins - before his work on Uncanny X-Men, Teen Titans, Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman...<o:p></o:p>... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This sixth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us the fifth chapter of "Codename: Andromeda" by Bill Ryan & Dave Harwood, plus the second story for Ram Assassin by Martin Lock & Tim Perkins, a new Jim Dandy Underworld chapter by Steve Baskerville, and a new filler called Tales of Ram's World by editor Martin Lock and Tim Perkins.
Print copies of these early Harrier... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The return of Harrier Comics continues here with Avalon #3, featuring a full 30 pages of comics. Editor Rob Sharp teams with Art Wetherell for the return of the "Aces" from issue one, Grun and The Unicorn continue their adventures, and Chris Przygrodzki features his creation, The Masque, in the first half of a moody new tale - all behind this cool Art Wetherell cover.
After thirty years,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival - which we're starting with Avalon #1, edited by Rob Sharp. Within these pages you will find incredible stories from the pioneers of the fabled Black and White comics British invasion! We kick off in high style with "Diana is... The Power," and Paul Marshall's furry private eye Grun starts his adventures - plus stories drawn by Phil Elliott, Pete Martin,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Determined to drop a few pounds in order to capture the boy she loves, chubby and fiesty Lili Weaver is lead through a series of adventures and hyterical encounters, including one from the crazy hot son of a famous director, Chase Elliot. But what could he possibly want with her, and why is he so adament about offering his help? ... [click here for more] |
Alala Lynn |
Pay What You Want
 Chase and Lili are officially partners, but that doesn't mean she's lost sight of her original goal. While Lili plans to "accidentally" run into Lewis at the movies, she and Kat end up running into someone else instead! Now it's a party! ... [click here for more] |
Alala Lynn |
Pay What You Want
Scientist Aella Storm has to find her way back to earth after an evil scientist banishes her into a parallel universe.
She must defeat evil to win back control of Genetechnology, a global Biotechnological/ Pharmaceutical corporation and save the world.... [click here for more] |
Judgment Day Comics |
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 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival, which continues here with Deathwatch #1, showcasing the amazing artwork of the fabulously talented and much-missed Art Wetherell, one of the finest artists of the "British Invasion" of the eighties and nineties. Great comics like this have become hard to find, but are available from us in digital format, thanks to the original editor, Rob Sharp, and... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues with Avalon #2, with 29 pages of comics from the pioneers of the legendary Black and White comics British invasion! New hero The Unicorn begins his mission here, while Grun starts a new adventure, there's a quirky one-pager by Howard Stangroom & Nigel Kitching - and artists Pete Martin, John Welding, and Art Wetherell also contribute stories.<o:p></o:p>... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues. This is the sixth issue of the world famous anthology continuing the "Diana" series written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by Mark Lockett & Jon Haward. Rob also drew the "Expendibles" short written by Howard Strangroom. Additionally there is a new story "The Trouble with James" scripted by Doris Telford and illustrated by Pete Martin, along with another "Switchblade"... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title has a double helping of Stephen Baskerville's "Jim Dandy in the Underworld" serial, while Jeff Anderson, later to become a 2000AD regular, takes over as artist of "Ram, Assassin." Add Lew Stringer's "Rock Solid" and "Codename: Andromeda" by Bill W. Ryan and Dave Harwood, and it's another 29 pages of top-grade British... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The humdrum life of cowardly high school student, Andrew, is quickly thrown into chaos when fate chooses him as successor to one of the mystical talismans from a long forgotten era of history. When new challenges arise that threaten the peace and stability of the world, Andrew must foster abilities he never knew he had in order to save his new friends and loved ones and discover the true meaning of... [click here for more] |
Andrew DeCrescenzo |
Pay What You Want
This product is designed as a quick play introduction to Save the Day, a super role playing game on Kickstarter until May 16, 2015. Including four sample characters that just can't seem to get along and a rollicking adventure that involves robots, science, fine art and crowd control. This is a sample playtest product designed teach you the basics of Save the Day in no time. Kid friendly and quick to... [click here for more] |
Okumarts Games |
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A fugitive deserves an ice cream in peace now and again!
Taus is on the run. All she wants to do is get her tattoo removed... maybe eat an ice cream without being bothered by the feds... which is why she was forced to steal a pirate ship.
Pfft! Let them chase.
Akashik is back! and better than ever; better art, better asteroids, and you'd better be reading what's next.
You can purchase... [click here for more] |
Writers of the Apocalypse |
Pay What You Want
 This paperdoll was created for Akashik many moons ago. Now she's available for your fireball and fashion fun. Comes as a printable PDF with five outfits. ... [click here for more] |
Writers of the Apocalypse |
Pay What You Want
 It's the end of the world as we know it, times three! This armageddon troika features Chimpocalypse, written by Jer Alford and drawn by Ashley Rowland. Plus, Kitten Apocalypse by Meghasissues, and Bad Energy by Aaron Horhanian. Whether its mutant chimps, dragons, zombie kittens, or comic geeks, the end is nigh in this apocalyptic anthology, and ITS FREE!... [click here for more] |
Mini-Komix |
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Taus is sleeping, and her new stolen pirate ship has been hounded by pirates. Ganji, the resident fix it fellah, is left to handle them alone. It's either that or wake Taus up, and he certainly doesn't want to do that! ... [click here for more] |
Writers of the Apocalypse |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues here, with the fifth issue of the well-remembered anthology series, introducing "Overman," written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by John Welding - look for further adventures in our upcoming Revival title GRUN. Rob also wrote the "City Lights" story, beautifully drawn by Dean Willetts, while Stephen Harrison brought us a story of conman "Flesh... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues here, with the fifth issue of the well-remembered anthology series, introducing "Overman," written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by John Welding - look for further adventures in our upcoming Revival title GRUN. Rob also wrote the "City Lights" story, beautifully drawn by Dean Willetts, while Stephen Harrison brought us a story of conman "Flesh... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 In the near future, machines known as cyberdrones cater to man's wants and needs. The cities are controlled by corporations, and high tech criminals plot against those with power and money. To protect the citizens of the city-state known as Gold Coast, there is the Cyguard. Men and women that use cybernetic enhancements and powered suits to defend the city and it's territiories. A new threat is on... [click here for more] |
Darkstorm Entertainment |
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 Demons within a story of a tri-world that coexist in savageness, Fear and Ignorance. Dwindling into chaos the savage world seeks to revive its existence. Their unending desire to consume and dominate gives birth to a terrible demon converter (A “Cylon”; Chartriand Sandreas) who builds on the fear and ignorant world to rewrite creation.
In the twist and twirl the demon converter breaks... [click here for more] |
Demon Dark |
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No other place in either anime or manga has centered itself more than in a high school. So, here's three short comic stories each set in their own unique high school setting. There's High School Sweethearts where two troubled teenagers work through their feelings, Furry Ninja High School based on the popular Ninja High School series(but with furries!), and Gaijin Hi about an average schoolboy becomes... [click here for more] |
Mini-Komix |
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 This is the first issue straight from the mind of Howard Priestley. Inspired as a kid by early Creepy and Eerie issues, Howard's twisted inspirations made it to paper. Both scary and fun these stories keep our readers on the edge, dodging from creatures in the dark even after reading... So keep the light on, you never know what goes "bump" in the night.
Print copies of these early Harrier... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The humdrum life of cowardly high school student, Andrew, is quickly thrown into chaos when fate chooses him as successor to one of the mystical talismans from a long forgotten era of history. When new challenges arise that threaten the peace and stability of the world, Andrew must foster abilities he never knew he had in order to save his new friends and loved ones and discover the true meaning of... [click here for more] |
Andrew DeCrescenzo |
Pay What You Want
 WE HAVE A COMEDY, With the Highest Villain Per Capita, come here and enjoy the Adventure of the Super Selfish Heroes! :D
the Spinn off Series from Selfish Heroes n.n soon to be available in DrivethruComics ... [click here for more] |
Chocolate Moose |
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 Chelsea and Anisah, a.k.a. the TezraTandem, proudly present this new manga-and-Western inspired comic series.
Tezra is an ongoing series about a bad-tempered and badass bounty hunter of the same name. Join us as we embark on Tezra's many action-packed adventures, taking names and making money to survive, while meeting a lively cast of colorful and memorable characters, friends and foes alike,... [click here for more] |
TezraTandem |
Pay What You Want
It's the eternal conflict of undead vs. swashbucklers! Zombie Vs. Pirate sees Cap'n Cramps locking horns with the walking dead hippie, Gary. These two memes host a collection of strange yarns by a diverse draw of comic creators. We've got T.E.D. the Time Exploration Droid coming back to search for the Temple of the Infinity Compass, All Is Forgiven looks into animal testing, get cute and fuzzy with... [click here for more] |
Mini-Komix |
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