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THE DEVIL'S TRAIN is a fresh beginning for Shitkicker + Bullseye and The Hat-Trick saga. With a new art team and a forthcoming film adaptation, The Devil's Train #0 merges the old with the new in a preview of the graphic novel to come.
A crack unit of Time Mechanics led by a Twilight Zone vet of the Val Verde Verse has infiltrated the D.H. Parallel of Earth... [click here for more] |
Bliss on Tap |
Pay What You Want
 An airship adventure story of loyalty and revenge.
The Aquilan empire is under threat by an enemy from the never-ending storm known as the Expanse. A Royal Guard captain, Helen Pierce, takes on the mission to hunt down the unknown vessel.
But, in order to bring the dread raider to justice, she needs to enlist the help of the right ship and seasoned crew.
Join this epic... [click here for more] |
Mythworks |
Pay What You Want
Combining Autism Awareness & Facial Feature Recognition on a static page, Face Value Comics is the 1st comics to feature an AUTISTIC hero in a Steampunk world with aliens & robots...& LOTS of misunderstanding.
We are so confident in our positive Autism empowerment message, and recognise a social responsibility for Autism awareness, that we're proud to offer Issue #1 as a "Pay What... [click here for more] |
Autism at Face Value |
Pay What You Want
In our world, there are teams of Crystal Hunters, agents of the mysterious organization Syn.
We call them… player characters.
They seek to collect the ancient Crystals, which give incredible, inexplicable powers!
Only if they roll well on their Crystal Channeling skill.
But in order to harness these powers, a person must sacrifice something dear indeed: their own heart.
Also,... [click here for more] |
Up to Four Players |
Pay What You Want
 This is a 13 page FREE PREVIEW of American Alchemist#1 an anthology series featuring the saga of Erika America, her Meso-American mythology and the Cthulhu mythos. Joined by a pantheon of legendary artists from around the globe! This comic is in full color. We bring you a Fantasy magazine in the vein of Heavy Metal with artists from Asia, the Americas, and Europe. A Global Effort!
Amercian... [click here for more] |
Carnal Comics |
Pay What You Want
 Collective Panels is a collection of one-page sequential stories created during the April 2024 StoCo Comics challenge hosted by the Storytelling Collective. Creators were given daily lessons and given templates to create a one-page comic about whatever inspired them.
We've compiled their comics here to share with you.
Collective Panels includes... [click here for more] |
Storytelling Collective |
Pay What You Want
 This is the FREE preview of the Demi Omnibus collection which gives you a look at some of the art and info about Demi the Demoness, her history, the artist and the the Kickstater.
Right now there is a Kickstarter for the Demi Omnibus Collection. So what’s is it? This massive hardback collects Demi the Demoness issues #1-7 and Demi Hardcore #1-4 . Most of these comics have NEVER been reprinted... [click here for more] |
Carnal Comics |
Pay What You Want
When the Tempest—an impenetrable storm spawned by the Great Cataclysm more than three thousand years ago—suddenly dissipates, it reveals a massive continent untouched by modern technology. Simultaneously, arcane energies long discounted by science now permeate the world, giving rise to practitioners of magic and bringing to life a variety magical creatures and hazards.
Even as adventurers, scientists,... [click here for more] |
Rem Alternis Productions, Inc. |
Pay What You Want
 Another month, another zine! This one has some bits and pieces from the sketchbook I carry, some figure drawings, and some of the work I did on commission recently. I'm now working on my comics more, so future issues may reflect that. Other than that, enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Juan Navarro |
Pay What You Want
 Secret Lair of the Yellow Wizard - The first Monsters! Monsters! Mini-Adventure & Comic! This is a preview of Cthulhu Crisis: Rise of the Yellow Wizard, a combined gaming & comic adventure that melds the two into something you can read like a comic and then use as reference when running the included (and related) GM adventure! We are including M!M! stats for the main characters in the comic,... [click here for more] |
Carnal Comics |
Pay What You Want
 CRUSADERS OF CTHULHU: THE SERIES Crusaders of Cthulhu is a graphic novel series of heavy metal Sword & Sorcery, weird retro sci-fi and black humor inspired by role-playing games. It tells the story of a sly succubus, a fallen paladin and their growing family in the forgotten first ages of Earth as they lead a bloody rebellion against Cthulhu, the wicked Elder Gods and the ominous Fungi of Yuggoth.... [click here for more] |
Joseph Jean-Marie |
Pay What You Want
Enjoy a sword and sorcery comic book story set in a fantasy world where the women of one region used magic to control society and have relegated men to second class citizens. ... [click here for more] |
Pocket Jacks Comics |
Pay What You Want
It's Free comic book day and we're celebrating with a new Saturday morning power hour! Three Adventures for Free or as much as you want to pay!
Youthquake the Witch Girls and Princess Lucinda!
Remember to support Indie Comics and TTRPGS! ... [click here for more] |
Relentless Fiction |
Pay What You Want
In our world, there are teams of Crystal Hunters, agents of the mysterious organization Syn.
We call them… player characters.
They seek to collect the ancient Crystals, which give incredible, inexplicable powers!
Only if they roll well on their Crystal Channeling skill.
But in order to harness these powers, a person must sacrifice something dear indeed: their own heart.
Also,... [click here for more] |
Up to Four Players |
Pay What You Want
What is it About
The year is 1885 in England, but someone has already built an analytical engine that has reached technological singularity. The engine is a little box, powered by (probably) steam and clockwork, but it managed to upgrade its own intelligence, and did so over and over again, until it achieved super-intelligence. This device aspires to create the ideal world... [click here for more] |
Up to Four Players |
Pay What You Want
In our world, there are teams of Crystal Hunters, agents of the mysterious organization Syn.
We call them… player characters.
They seek to collect the ancient Crystals, which give incredible, inexplicable powers!
Only if they roll well on their Crystal Channeling skill.
The border city of Cragtown is home to many poor miners, and to the nobles who exploit them. As the Agents... [click here for more] |
Up to Four Players |
Pay What You Want
"We're all ghosts, Rona dear. All of us. The dead and the living."
Paranormal journalist and truthseeker Rona Eden has a close encounter with a mysterious hooded lady who appears to have killed several people in Detroit's Cass Corridor neighborhood. A strange journey follows, taking us from the seedy trip hop dungeon known as Catacomb Bar to a place beyond the confines of the physical realm...... [click here for more] |
Corridor Media |
Pay What You Want
 Quoi de plus prisé à l’arrière du front que la possibilité d’entrevoir même brièvement l’être aimé ?
Constantine, novembre 1915. Voilà un an que les hommes sont partis payer leur dette de sang à la République. Les femmes, elles, vivent dans l’attente de la terrible lettre qui viendra éteindre leur monde.
Contrairement aux conscrits de la métropole, ceux partis depuis... [click here for more] |
Phorcys Books |
Pay What You Want
 Dubbed the "Abomination" because of his appearance, enslaved gladiator, Roan, carries within his human body the blood of a mystical and nearly extinct race known as the Ancients.
He jumps at the prospect of freedom when a mysterious girl named Dara appears at his cell and offers him a chance at a new life in exchange for his help.
Together with the aristocratic Caspian, roguish Elnor, and grease... [click here for more] |
Nathan Lueth Illustration |
Pay What You Want
 In a world where magic is real and shaped the development of technology, Adrianna's search for her disappeared brother intertwines with the struggle between the techno-mages of Ashul and the noble philosophers of Imara. Big surprises await our heroes as they leave for the Southern reaches of the continent and their past comes back to haunt them.
Alephtar Games is proud to present this collected version... [click here for more] |
Alephtar Games |
Pay What You Want
Combining elements of Harry Potter and The Great Gatsby, this comic follows Guinevere, an attractive apprentice mage, as she seeks to join the mysterious magic circle of an elder, wizard who has a fondness for throwing elaborate flapper parties.
Thus begins her journey into the nature of magic, the spirit realm, and the nature of reality itself. Soon she discovers the horrors that lurk beneath our... [click here for more] |
Pocket Jacks Comics |
Pay What You Want
Get ready for a fresh dose of intel and resources to expand your CARBON GREY adventures!
The first in a series of regular expansions, each issue is packed with new stat blocks, helpful GM charts, in-world rumors and lore, NPCs, items and vehicles, adventure plots, hooks, and scenarios.
In this first issue:
The Motorpool: Of Boats and Bombs
Quartermaster Support:... [click here for more] |
Magnetic Press Play |
Pay What You Want
"Welcome to Catacomb Bar, where your most delicious nightmares reside."
The labyrinthine watering-hole introduced above receives a new patron - the ghost of a deceased young woman who, with the aid of the Nameless Lady in the Hood, is reunited with her still-living soulmate. What follows is an afterlife adventure filled with wonder, peril, and revelation - not least about our mysterious Lady,... [click here for more] |
Corridor Media |
Pay What You Want
 Every month, I put out a zine of stuff I did, dig, or otherwise think the world should see.
It's meant to be part mood board, vision board, art book, zine, and just fun.
I hope to do these for a while! ... [click here for more] |
Juan Navarro |
Pay What You Want
 Introducing "Meteor Tales" Short Stories
Meteor Tales are short medieval fantasy stories based on the style of pulp magazines such as Weird Tales. They present adventures set in the world of Vitallia from the Meteor Tales universe, a roleplaying game created by Angelos Kyprianos. The stories are short and self-contained.
"Embrace the savage's path. Journey with... [click here for more] |
Spiral Lane Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Our inaugural issue (#0) of Dazzle
Dazzle is a non-linear story set in a circus that is fuelled by magic. While a blend of fantasy, romance and magic, the story is set in real locations around the globe during a myriad of very real time periods in history. An ensemble piece with a dozen prominent characters, the spotlight shines brightest on a young orphan, Anabelle, as she searches for her identity... [click here for more] |
Fenix y Alma Productions |
Pay What You Want
In a world where magic is real and shaped the development of technology, Adrianna's search for her disappeared brother intertwines withe the struggle between the techno-mages of Ashul and the noble philosophers of Imara. Big surprises await our heroes as they leave for the Southern reaches of the continent and their past comes back to haunt them.
Alephtar Games is proud to present this collected... [click here for more] |
Alephtar Games |
Pay What You Want
In a world where magic is real and shaped the development of technology, Adrianna's search for her disappeared brother intertwines withe the struggle between the techno-mages of Ashul and the noble philosophers of Imara. Big surprises await our heroes as they leave for the Southern reaches of the continent and their past comes back to haunt them.
Alephtar Games is proud to present this collected... [click here for more] |
Alephtar Games |
Pay What You Want
Uncle Marvel is an honorary member the Marvel Family, but is really Dudley H. Dudley, the head of Shazam Inc. offering superhero help to the unfortunate. Claiming to be Mary Marvel's uncle, Dudley along with his adopted niece life niece Mary who also joins the team as Freckles Marvel assist the magical family of champions. Classic cartoon capers with super powered shenanigans, and for free! ... [click here for more] |
Mini-Komix |
Pay What You Want

Sin Eater is a comic series about a man who can absolve sins by consuming them.
Fourteen men and women survive the destruction of the Tower of Babel. They are tasked with saving Man's soul through the act of consuming all of their accumulated sin. Through the ravages of time, the Sin eaters are always there. They view everything that you have ever done, and defeat your inner demons in order for... [click here for more] |
Sineatercomics |
Pay What You Want
 It's Jonas' last day of school and his school report is bad. Fortunately he and his father are starting into the summer vacation which they are going to spend in Grannies old farmhouse. There, a secret place in a dusty attic is already waiting for Jonas. ... [click here for more] |
Wormworld Saga |
Pay What You Want
 Christmas brings to mind a variety of heartwarming traditions: gatherings with family and friends, gifts and feasts, and stories of magical characters like Santa, elves, Krampus, and Dickens' ghosts of Christmas. This anthology of 50+ pages of holiday-themed comics by various artists features a cover by Joe Badon, eleven short tales inspired by Christmas traditions, and seasonally themed artwork. ... [click here for more] |
Stache Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 A mild mannered man from Cincinnati, Dalrak, is transported to a fascinating and ancient land where he unwittingly falls into the roll of the land's protector. Come and see how Dalrak manages to wade through the quagmire of dragons, goblins, and more!
This issue: A messager is dispatched to Dalrak with a deperate message: The Queen urgently needs Dalrak's help! Now Dalrak must fight his way to the... [click here for more] |
Shadows of Oblivion |
Pay What You Want
 A mild mannered man from Cincinnati, Dalrak, is transported to a fascinating and ancient land where he unwittingly falls into the roll of the land's protector. Come and see how Dalrak manages to wade through the quagmire of dragons, goblins, and more!
This issue: After slaying two goblins, Dalrak has caught the attention of the Goblin Clans. Now they plot vengence for their fallen brethren. How will... [click here for more] |
Shadows of Oblivion |
Pay What You Want
 It's a short story written by Jerry Siegal and artist Joe Shuster under the writer name Herbert S. Fine. The title character of this story is a telepathic villian who uses his power to take over the world. Now this public domain story can be enjoyed with full color illustrations by Artist Eli Jansen. ... [click here for more] |
dark adam comics |
Pay What You Want
 Public domain heroes THE BLACK FURY AND WAR EAGLE get snatched from their world by an old obsessed with old comicsbook superheroes. story by artist Eli Jansen ... [click here for more] |
dark adam comics |
Pay What You Want
 The Trials of Beatrice is a Dark Fantasy Femme Fatale reimagining of "Dante's Inferno". Fighting on the frontlines of the crusades, Beatrice is left with the impossible task of rescuing her beloved Dante from the clutches of the underworld. Accompanied by the mysterious spectral poet Virgil, she must conquer the 9 circles of Hell and lay waste to whatever stands in her way. ... [click here for more] |
Deadmen Ink Productions |
Pay What You Want
 A kidnapping goes wrong as the kidnappers find themselves in a situation they did not expect and cargo that may be more than they can handle. ... [click here for more] |
MahoTen Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Ten years after a magical reawakening has thrown the modern world into chaos, wandering Paladin Vangel Alessandra is on a mission to help magical and mundane people alike navigate the strange new world. Along the way she'll do her best to face her demons and pump the brakes on the apocalypse in progress.
In Issue 1- After a prophetic dream featuring refugees fleeing a ruined city, Vangel finds the... [click here for more] |
Nathan Lueth Illustration |
Pay What You Want
 From Max Traver, Indie Comics Spotlight June 2021: “This deeply personal, epically cosmic, and serenely spiritual series…is an excellent, original, totally engaging story with both an enormously metaphysical and seriously intimate scope. The writer/artist of most of the issues, and the creator of the series, Ken Bouthillier, decided to teach himself how to make his own comic book series after having... [click here for more] |
Zindagi Comix |
Pay What You Want
A collection of new illustrated stories featuring many of the gods of myth and legend. Travel to Olympus, the Celtic Realm, the Grand Pyramid of Horus and walk the streets of the City of the Gods. With tales of dark fantasy, touching pathos, swashbuckling adventure and humorous hijinx, you’ll experience the many moods of the gods. With Mythic Tales by T&T creator Ken St Andre, Randy Lindsay &... [click here for more] |
Carnal Comics |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival! Swiftsure was Harrier's flagship anthology comic, and in these pages you will find incredible stories from the first wave of the fabled Black and White comics British invasion. In this first issue, behind the stunning Bryan Talbot cover, and after an introduction by Alan Moore, we begin the continuing adventures of HMS Conqueror's Lieutenant Fl'ff, plus Jim Dandy,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 It has been one year since the Free War Messiah and the heroes of Earth have freed the Universe from the tyrannical rule of the High Lord Emperor Duka Mora. It has been a time of peace and prosperity but enemies have begun making assassination attempts against the new ruler and a series of energy distortions have disrupted the fabric of reality. As new enemies and threats arise will our heroes continue... [click here for more] |
Hyperactive Comics |
Pay What You Want
 The boy Kaszek is guardian of the city of Ayul–a city built deep within a rocky fastness, ancient home of the Last People and sanctuary from the chaos of the legendary “world beyond.” Blessed with strength and trained for violence, his duty is to protect Ayul and carry the burdens others are forbidden to touch. ... [click here for more] |
Waywalker Studios |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to MEGABOOK M5! 25 stories and 216 pages long! Incredible comics from the amazing minds of amazing indie creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGABOOK fans enjoying the adventures of the indy universe! CAUTION! Reading this Anthology is an infectious addiction. Leading to long durations of intense reading and sleepless nights of fantasy and adventure!... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The First Chapter of Crystal Knights. A hero in the style of magical girls must collect a series of 12 magic jewels in order to prevent the world from being enslaved by an evil witch. An all ages fantasy adventure. ... [click here for more] |
erosarts |
Pay What You Want
 The return of Harrier's flagship anthology comic continues, with the debut of the "Forest" series written by James Hill, with absolutely stunning artwork by Kev Hopgood, who also drew the cover. Also on board are the second episodes of Jim Dandy, Lieutenant Fl'ff, Rock Solid, and Ram Assassin, making for 26 pages of top-grade British comics.<o:p></o:p>
It's over thirty years... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
Public Domain sci-fi short story by W. Malcom White and illustrated by artist Eli Jansen. ... [click here for more] |
dark adam comics |
Pay What You Want
MEGABOOK M4, the little brother Behemoth to M1 thru M3! 51 stories and 294 pages long! Incredible comics from amazing of creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGAFANS enjoying the adventures of the indy underworld! CAUTION! Downloading this book will make your digital device HEAVY! Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting! And let them read M1, M2 &... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
Oneshi Press Comics Anthology #01
This anthology is the first of an ongoing series that shares Oneshi Press’s own graphic novels in short installments, alongside other progressive, immersive, and gorgeous works from our community of talented creators! In Oneshi Press Comics Anthology #01, you’ll find 44 pages of gorgeous, full-color comics telling tales of humble beginnings, exciting... [click here for more] |
Oneshi Press |
Pay What You Want