En un mundo en el que el oficio de aventurero es el más burocratizado, dos buscavidas de poca monta con delirios de grandeza se disponen a saquear una torre la cual se dice que está encantada.
Con la falta de astucia de uno y la ausencia de elocuencia del otro se internan en lo desconocido ansiosos por encontrar un buen botín que los saque de pobres.
Pero las cosas no tardarán... [click here for more]
This very special 80% off mega-bundle contains three complete "Age of Night" fantasy graphic novels, our swords-and-sorcery "At the Shrine of Othrys (A Campaign Report)," an introduction to the "GEBB" sci-fi mini-comic and sampling of issues from it, four French comics from World War I, and more! We have also thrown in a number of bonus items, including an adventure based on one of... [click here for more]
A wonderfully generic tavern setting as a reference photo for your players! Everywhere you look there's a story! Who's that mysterious character in the corner? Do those two drunks at the top think they're getting off easy? What could the barkeep be keeping behind his bar? All these are your questions to answer with your own story! Usable on any Virtual Tabletop program! ... [click here for more]