Cartoons 'N Comics Coloring Book & Stock Art Sampler is a collection of public domain comic book artwork you can either color in, or use for clip art. Everything from monsters, jungle queens, aliens, soldiers, bad guys, good girls, robots, and pulp heroes!... [click here for more]
Here is a freebie!
A 24 page preview of High Tower Comics' top three titles:
Smart Bullets - Ghostface - Spooksville: The Bone Jangles Cases ... [click here for more]
In this FREE special holiday edition, Mac and Trouble are explored in ways they've never been before... Mac live at many comic cons and events - 2 original Christmas tales - coloring pages - photographer spotlights - tv/movie/comic stars - and much much more !! Original art by some of the industry's best - fun for all ages - a gift to the fans for the holidays ! ... [click here for more]
Sancta Sanctorum - the Rebel Saints is a Graphic Novel project that is LIVE on INDIEGOGO since Oct 11th 2016. It is a new urban fantasy comic set in an alternate/dystopic present Earth where the Saints themselves (the "original" Saint Nicholas, Saint Augustine himself etc.) awoke from the Holy Relics to fight against the swarming Demons from hell.... [click here for more]