The thrilling debut of a dark-urban-fantasy novel series, by the bestselling author of X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy and Final Destination: Dead Man's Hand!
Sixteen-year-old Goth girl Pandora Zwieback has a major problem: she's just discovered that her New York City hometown is the stalking ground for every monster and ghoul out to raise a little hell (literally!)...BUT she's... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.The Vampress Luxura: The Monster's GauntletRegular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $4.99 Format: Watermarked PDF Also Contains:
Vampress Luxura: Dark Journey MP3 music file.
Vampress Luxura: Wrath of the Vampress MP3 music file.
In order to keep her throne, The Vampress Luxura must battle the monster gangs... [click here for more]