Tokyo Butei High School--- A special school where armed detectives, also known as "Butei", receive education as well as training. Kinji Tohyama, a sophomore, has a unique body that can initiate an ability called "hysteria mode" when it is stimulated a certain way. He tries to keep it a secret but all his dreams of living the life of an Average Joe get shattered when he becomes a victim of a bombing... [click here for more]
Tokyo Butei High School, the specialized school renowned for training exemplary students to become world class buteis – military combative detectives with skills ranging from marksmanship, bomb detonation, and even supernatural abilities. Super elite S rank and top performing butei – Aria, and her chosen partner Kinji Tohyama, are assigned a new mission: to protect the SSR department’s star pupil,... [click here for more]