A story about production and human life as an expendable resource. Content warning for: Forced Artificial Insemination, Violence Against Infants ... [click here for more]
The year is 2037 and the world as we know it has changed dramatically. With all the colossal technological advancements of the age, the most significant came from Drexler Nanotech Corporation, who created a serum engineered to resurrect the dead. The ethical implications were widespread and the serum was ultimately banned the world over. It is in this setting, that an Aboriginal-Australian detective,... [click here for more]
An extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes?
If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go... [click here for more]
An extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes?
If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go... [click here for more]
In a galaxy many light years from our own, an intergalactic war is being waged; a war that has extinguished the lives of billions and that will eventually thrust itself upon the unsuspecting and ill-prepared inhabitants of the planet Earth. But from the ruins of destruction comes a hero, a hero who may be the only hope of a universe bent on self-destruction, a hero named DOMINION! ... [click here for more]
At the end of 1994, Alex Ronald wrote and drew his first comic, with the intention of getting noticed by 2000AD. One year later, he was a regular artist for the comic, being the artist for mega-hero Judge Dredd. RED SANDS is an enthralling tale of colonists, tyrants and anti-heroes set in a futuristic 'gold rush'.
For fans of 2000AD; Judge Dredd; Strontium Dog; Mad Max; A Fistful of Dollars ... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.imMATURE #4Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $3.01 Format: Watermarked PDF You may prefer the term "graphic literary erotica," but we all know it's just smut; mostly harmless, lots of fun. Heroines in distress, rampant fanservice, tentacles, bondage, a bunch of slave girls being used and... [click here for more]
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as some... [click here for more]