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It is said that evil doesn't need reasons but purpose.
When young Joanne is punished by her father, she doesn't seem too worried. However, someone has noticed her sins and is ready to give a greater punishment to this cruel and merciless girl. Demons exist and Joanne is about to find out... and become part of them.
Does punishment serve any purpose... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
![Aubriot [ESP]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/1/501537-thumb140.png) EDICIÓN EN ESPAÑOL
Dicen que la maldad no necesita razones, sino propósitos.
Cuando la joven Joanne es castigada por su padre, no parece muy preocupada. Sin embargo, alguien ha observado sus pecados y está dispuesto a darle un castigo mayor a esa chiquilla cruel y despiadada. Los demonios existen y Joanne está a punto de descubrirlo... y ser parte de ellos.
¿Sirve de algo... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Pay What You Want
Combining elements of Harry Potter and The Great Gatsby, this comic follows Guinevere, an attractive apprentice mage, as she seeks to join the mysterious magic circle of an elder, wizard who has a fondness for throwing elaborate flapper parties.
Thus begins her journey into the nature of magic, the spirit realm, and the nature of reality itself. Soon she discovers the horrors that lurk beneath our... [click here for more] |
Pocket Jacks Comics |
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Please enjoy this 8-page preview of the upcoming action/zombie mini-series, Taking Out the Dead: The Last Homestand. Keep an eye out for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
If you enjoyed this 8 page preview of Taking Out the Dead, please consider supporting our upcoming Kickstarter campaign for a full first issue. We have a 32-page story drawn by Eliseu... [click here for more] |
Team Ninja Shark |
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 The Constantly Distracted Anthology features short comics from artists all over the world, all different genres, all comics written by Alex Jourdain. ... [click here for more] |
Lonely Dog Comics |
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Tired of the expected? Try something out of the blue!
Out of the Blue is an unusual assortment of thirteen strange stories that transcend the ordinary. Contributors include New York Times bestselling comic creators, winners of the Eisner and Ghastly awards, and more.
With over 100 peculiar pages of comics, artwork, and pin-ups, this collection... [click here for more] |
Stache Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival! Swiftsure was Harrier's flagship anthology comic, and in these pages you will find incredible stories from the first wave of the fabled Black and White comics British invasion. In this first issue, behind the stunning Bryan Talbot cover, and after an introduction by Alan Moore, we begin the continuing adventures of HMS Conqueror's Lieutenant Fl'ff, plus Jim Dandy,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to MEGABOOK M5! 25 stories and 216 pages long! Incredible comics from the amazing minds of amazing indie creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGABOOK fans enjoying the adventures of the indy universe! CAUTION! Reading this Anthology is an infectious addiction. Leading to long durations of intense reading and sleepless nights of fantasy and adventure!... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The return of Harrier's flagship anthology comic continues, with the debut of the "Forest" series written by James Hill, with absolutely stunning artwork by Kev Hopgood, who also drew the cover. Also on board are the second episodes of Jim Dandy, Lieutenant Fl'ff, Rock Solid, and Ram Assassin, making for 26 pages of top-grade British comics.<o:p></o:p>
It's over thirty years... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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MEGABOOK M4, the little brother Behemoth to M1 thru M3! 51 stories and 294 pages long! Incredible comics from amazing of creators. The Worlds Largest Comic Anthology Continues! Join the legions of MEGAFANS enjoying the adventures of the indy underworld! CAUTION! Downloading this book will make your digital device HEAVY! Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting! And let them read M1, M2 &... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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CE Publishing presents to you Steve Zyskowski's Catfight - Dream Into Action, another Lightning Comics revival! Catfight is back with a vengence! She is accompanied in this issue by Trent Kaniuga's Creed! Also appearing from the Lightning universe is Hellina and Perg! Will the dreamworld remain a safe place afterall??? Find out now and read this amazing FREE book!
B/W Interior, 28 pages, FREE!... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
CE Publishing presents to you Steve Zyskowski's Catfight - Escape from Limbo, a Lightning Comics revival! Another Lightning Comics Revival! Catfight is back with a vengence! Beware weary reader in your sleep! Catfight will be there slaying evil hordes of monsters. Will the dreamworld remain a safe place afterall??? Find out now and read this amazing FREE book! ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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The Lonely Dogs Anthology compiles multiple short comics from the up and coming comic writer, Alex Jourdain. This anthology taps into the sci-fi and horror genres and bends the normal, traditional storytelling in the short comics medium. ... [click here for more] |
Lonely Dog Comics |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to Fritesite! Prepare to be Disturbed...
FRITESITE is BACK and C.E. Publishing has it! The scariest, creepiest online horror comic book of the '90s has risen from the deleted...only SCARIER and CREEPIER!!! ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
MEGABOOK M3, the Biggest FREE Comic book anthology in the Universe! 22 stories and 332 pages long! Amazing comics from amazing of creators. The Behemouth anthology continues! Join the legions of MEGAPHILES enjoying the adventures of the indy underworld! CAUTION! Downloading this book will make your digital device HEAVY! Be SAFE and seek out a partner for lifting! And let them read M3 too! Use... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This fifth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us the first chapter of "Forest: Conversations" by the crew of James Hill, Mike Collins, Kev Hopgood & Steve Whitaker, plus the first painted cover and story for Ram Assassin by Martin Lock & Jeff Anderson, a new Jim Dandy chapter by Steve Baskerville, and Lieutenant Fl'ff written by editor Martin Lock, and drawn by Mike... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This fourth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us two chapters of "Codename: Andromeda" by Ryan & Harwood, plus the new cover featuring Codename: Andromeda, a new Jim Dandy chapter, and Lieutenant Fl'ff written by editor Martin Lock, and drawn by Mike Collins - before his work on Uncanny X-Men, Teen Titans, Batman, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman...<o:p></o:p>... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
CE Publishing presents to you Steve Zyskowski's Catfight - Sweet Revenge, another Lightning Comics revival! Catfight is back with a vengence! The disgusting Lolli-Pop just keeps coming back, and Prince Airick has a surprise as well. Will the dreamworld remain a safe place afterall??? Find out now and read this amazing FREE book!
B/W Interior, 25 pages, FREE! ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want

Whelm (Dreams, Death and Law) is a collection of 4 short stories by P.A. Nolte (The Crusader, The Assembly) and S. Gretzon (The Disgruntled Avenger, Chewler) They include:
1) I would Kill for a Hot Dog in Times Square.
2) Afterlife.
3) Kitamba Kia Xiba: A tale of Angola
4) To Play Fast and Loose with the very Laws the Govern Reality.
Adventures,... [click here for more] |
Exspastic Comics |
Pay What You Want
 This sixth issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title brings us the fifth chapter of "Codename: Andromeda" by Bill Ryan & Dave Harwood, plus the second story for Ram Assassin by Martin Lock & Tim Perkins, a new Jim Dandy Underworld chapter by Steve Baskerville, and a new filler called Tales of Ram's World by editor Martin Lock and Tim Perkins.
Print copies of these early Harrier... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The return of Harrier Comics continues here with Avalon #3, featuring a full 30 pages of comics. Editor Rob Sharp teams with Art Wetherell for the return of the "Aces" from issue one, Grun and The Unicorn continue their adventures, and Chris Przygrodzki features his creation, The Masque, in the first half of a moody new tale - all behind this cool Art Wetherell cover.
After thirty years,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to Fritesite! Prepare to be Disturbed...
FRITESITE is BACK and C.E. Publishing has it! Here is the third issue of insanity. The scariest, creepiest online horror comic book of the '90s has risen from the deleted...only SCARIER and CREEPIER!!! ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival - which we're starting with Avalon #1, edited by Rob Sharp. Within these pages you will find incredible stories from the pioneers of the fabled Black and White comics British invasion! We kick off in high style with "Diana is... The Power," and Paul Marshall's furry private eye Grun starts his adventures - plus stories drawn by Phil Elliott, Pete Martin,... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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 Raven Tales #1 is a comic geared towards kids of all ages . Follow the Scrimshaw gang, and Lil Diablo as they go on adventures and learn new things! In this issue the Scrimshaw gang meets Sabah an otherworldy cat, while Lil Diablo the young aspiring Luchador battles it out in the sand box. ... [click here for more] |
Ravenfish Studios |
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 The journey to redemption begins with the first step.
In the darkness of a planet reborn in madness, James and Mia struggle to survive.
Usagi the Vampire looks to regain his honor, and Ric Tic a mechanical security drone tirelessly works to complete his mission. In a world filled with Woe, the flame of hope is fickle at best. ... [click here for more] |
Ravenfish Studios |
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Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art magazine.
DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful, yet dangerous women.) It is also a print collection. (All buyers of this pdf may print images for personal use.) It is also a Stock Art Catalog, all images in this and other DunJon eZines are up for sale. (Those who want... [click here for more] |
Stainless Steel Dragon |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome to the Harrier Comics revival, which continues here with Deathwatch #1, showcasing the amazing artwork of the fabulously talented and much-missed Art Wetherell, one of the finest artists of the "British Invasion" of the eighties and nineties. Great comics like this have become hard to find, but are available from us in digital format, thanks to the original editor, Rob Sharp, and... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues with Avalon #2, with 29 pages of comics from the pioneers of the legendary Black and White comics British invasion! New hero The Unicorn begins his mission here, while Grun starts a new adventure, there's a quirky one-pager by Howard Stangroom & Nigel Kitching - and artists Pete Martin, John Welding, and Art Wetherell also contribute stories.<o:p></o:p>... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 In the aftermath of the first atomic bomb drop on Hiroshima, an elite squad of Marines is ordered to infiltrate a Nagasaki hospital. Their mission: discover the secret of a new biological weapon. With the next bomb racing their way, the team will have to remain “swift, silent, deadly,” to survive hordes of infected locals who hunger for human flesh. As the clock ticks down and the horrible... [click here for more] |
Stache Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Out of the Blue 2 ... [click here for more] |
Stache Publishing |
Pay What You Want
MEGABOOK M2, the Biggest FREE Comic book in the Universe! 45 stories and 465 pages long! Amazing comics from 12 different publishers and 101 creators. Everything you could want in one Giant Book! Here is a Ton of amazing adventures from fabulous creators of the indie comics world. If you thought M1 was big, you ain't seen nothing yet! M1 called his little brother and he's Massive! ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
The BIGGEST totally FREE anthology in the internet! 212 PAGES!!! 12 different publishers and tons of creator owned projects. Discover amazing stories and incredible talent all in one humungous book! You NEED MEGABOOK! Your Friends NEED MEGABOOK! Tell everyone you know that MEGABOOK is HERE, and it is FREE!!!! It is HUGE, it's MASSIVE and it is AWESOME! WARNING: Downloading MEGABOOK may cause your... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues. This is the sixth issue of the world famous anthology continuing the "Diana" series written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by Mark Lockett & Jon Haward. Rob also drew the "Expendibles" short written by Howard Strangroom. Additionally there is a new story "The Trouble with James" scripted by Doris Telford and illustrated by Pete Martin, along with another "Switchblade"... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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 THE VAMPIRE OF THE LOST HIGHWAY RESURRECTION #1 marks the return of the dark winged guardian of Fort Hawke County and the Lost Highway.
It's the early 1920s and the Vampire flies to the rescue of Esther Dare, the only female pilot in Fort Hawke County. Her biplane is experiencing engine failure and is seconds from crashing into the Lost Highway below.
Can the Vampire save the day?
Find out! ... [click here for more] |
Pinion Comics |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Fritesite! Prepare to be Disturbed...
FRITESITE is BACK and C.E. Publishing has it! The scariest, creepiest online horror comic book of the '90s has risen from the deleted...only SCARIER and CREEPIER!!!
...available for the spectacularly Low Price of....FREE!!...at Drive Thru Comics...
Hurry and download NOW!..at these prices thay won't last fforever!... ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 This issue of Harrier's flagship anthology title has a double helping of Stephen Baskerville's "Jim Dandy in the Underworld" serial, while Jeff Anderson, later to become a 2000AD regular, takes over as artist of "Ram, Assassin." Add Lew Stringer's "Rock Solid" and "Codename: Andromeda" by Bill W. Ryan and Dave Harwood, and it's another 29 pages of top-grade British... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 CE Publishing presents to you Steve Zyskowski's Faith #1, a Lightning Comics revival! Here's an amazing tale of action and adventure brought back from the past! Angels and demons in physical bodies dueling it out to the death. Or at least the demons can. Faith is thrown into this brave new world of miracles and newfound mission from God as she is chosen to protect and preserve even those that would... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Gut wrenching tragedy; spine tingling terror.
8 tales of loss, love, and hell, steeped in human frailty and shrouded in metaphor, that lead you by the hand through worlds bereft of comfort to a place of sublime, perfect horror.
The Ecstasies of Sorrow and Dread.
Collecting the best short-form comics of UK based writer and artist Kev Rooney from 2005 - 2012 ... [click here for more] |
Cult of Nyx |
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 The Harrier Comics revival continues here, with the fifth issue of the well-remembered anthology series, introducing "Overman," written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by John Welding - look for further adventures in our upcoming Revival title GRUN. Rob also wrote the "City Lights" story, beautifully drawn by Dean Willetts, while Stephen Harrison brought us a story of conman "Flesh... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 The Harrier Comics revival continues here, with the fifth issue of the well-remembered anthology series, introducing "Overman," written by editor Rob Sharp and drawn by John Welding - look for further adventures in our upcoming Revival title GRUN. Rob also wrote the "City Lights" story, beautifully drawn by Dean Willetts, while Stephen Harrison brought us a story of conman "Flesh... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
 Cartoons 'N Comics Coloring Book & Stock Art Sampler is a collection of public domain comic book artwork you can either color in, or use for clip art. Everything from monsters, jungle queens, aliens, soldiers, bad guys, good girls, robots, and pulp heroes!... [click here for more] |
Mini-Komix |
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 Exspastic Comics Presents:
A showcase of various comic strips and shorts.
What Advertising Feels like- Sales people are monsters.
Buddy BoDue: Pyschic Detective- Solving your case and several others before you even walk in the door.
Neanderthal in Space- A space Opera with a caveman in charge.
Pure Imagination-... [click here for more] |
Exspastic Comics |
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 A road trip with two sisters goes horribly wrong...
This 4-page mini-comic was first featured in Tall Tales anthology by WIP Comics. ... [click here for more] |
Dream Snatcher Press |
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 Une transposition horrifico-fantastique du reportage ‘The Price of Salmon’, de Max Stern.
Le calmarillo est à la mode sur les tables de la Nouvelle-Glasgow. Des flottes de bateaux-usines sillonnent les abysses pour le pêcher, exploitant au passage des immigrés relégués au rang d’esclaves.
Maxine Sterne s’engage incognito sur l’Étoile de Catigara pour écrire un article... [click here for more] |
Phorcys Books |
Pay What You Want
> News: The Random Tables Collective, has upload a new resource to the RTC catalogue...
> Clearance level is: Unrestricted (UC). Requesting access...
> Matching clearances... [Access granted]
Filename: Anomaly Random Tables (5 pages).
Required additional resources are one to two six sided dice.
1.... [click here for more] |
MeLlamanKaskas |
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 This is the first issue straight from the mind of Howard Priestley. Inspired as a kid by early Creepy and Eerie issues, Howard's twisted inspirations made it to paper. Both scary and fun these stories keep our readers on the edge, dodging from creatures in the dark even after reading... So keep the light on, you never know what goes "bump" in the night.
Print copies of these early Harrier... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
At some point in time, all relationships come to an end.
Most usually come to an end over falling out of love, arguing over finances, or issues with children.
However, this is a story of how one came to an end because the Candle Man literally ripped apart a cheating husband. ... [click here for more] |
Pinion Comics |
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A wealthy CEO is spending his evening berating an employee about wanting to take Christmas off to spend with the family.
Well, it appears the Candle Man will have something to say on the subject.
And it is gruesome!
Enjoy the story for free! Consider it a gift from your new friends at Pinion Comics! ... [click here for more] |
Pinion Comics |
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 The Wulfen saga continues...
While hunting a werewolf pack that is terrorising a small village, Wulf quickly discovers that their plan goes beyond just killing and eating the villagers - they're going to use their prey to take him out, too! Find out how in"Beauty & Lies"
24 pages Full Color, FREE ... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
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Werewolves have stalked the earth for milennia. Not the mystical creatures of legend, but an evil, pleasure-killing species all their own. Through times of ancient magic to the modern day, the werewolves feast on their human prey with savage malevolence. Now, they move unchecked through a society convinced they do not exist, fooling them with their day-bound human camouflage.
The only one standing... [click here for more] |
CE Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want