Uncle Marvel is an honorary member the Marvel Family, but is really Dudley H. Dudley, the head of Shazam Inc. offering superhero help to the unfortunate. Claiming to be Mary Marvel's uncle, Dudley along with his adopted niece life niece Mary who also joins the team as Freckles Marvel assist the magical family of champions. Classic cartoon capers with super powered shenanigans, and for free! ... [click here for more]
Raven Tales #1 is a comic geared towards kids of all ages . Follow the Scrimshaw gang, and Lil Diablo as they go on adventures and learn new things! In this issue the Scrimshaw gang meets Sabah an otherworldy cat, while Lil Diablo the young aspiring Luchador battles it out in the sand box. ... [click here for more]
Furry Qaileny was created and written by Troy Vevasis. Art by Lee Milewski. Furry Qaileny is an all-ages mini comic. Furry Qaileny is helping Henry the Heron move. This comic is four pages long. ... [click here for more]