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Abyss Eyes
1977 England…. 1986 The Sahara…
A route.... A desert....
Answers to questions about our most personal, wildest and darkest secrets….
A couple.... An aviator........
He knows EVERYTHING....
In his eyes reside our deepest and most abysmal moments..... ... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
The Circus Western Company travels the wild west with their show, but when they arrive at Rock Mountain, a small village in the mountains, they find that its citizens are scared because an Apache Warlock has them under the control of a horde of zombies.
Included is a 30+ page comic book, a complete set of rules that combines the simplicity and spirit of OSR... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Dientes de Leche
Cara es una niña nerviosa y muy imaginativa que vive en un piso oscuro de largo pasillo con su padre y su madre. Éstos llevan ya varios días encerrados en su habitación, y la escasa comunicación que a veces se produce a través de la puerta con su hija es cada vez menos frecuente. Cara, abandonada y teniendo que valerse por sí misma,... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Dientes de leche
Bajo la almohada no ha aparecido lo que Cara esperaba. La niña ha encontrado algo amarillento, húmedo. Algo que no logra comprender. Mientras, en la oscuridad de su cuarto, unos ruidos imploran atención desde debajo de la cama.
La pesadilla de Cara continua, y la niña se deja llevar por su inocencia hasta los peores lugares que el hambre... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Dientes de leche
La casa está sucia e infestada de insectos que parecen salir de todas partes. El miedo de Cara se convierte en ira que vuelca sobre sus padres, quienes, tras la puerta cerrada de su cuarto, parecen haber desaparecido por completo. Mientras, bajo su cama, los golpes se hacen más fuertes. Cuidado. Mejor guardar silencio, o volverán a llamar... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Dientes de leche
A Cara le despierta un terrible hedor que parece infectar toda la casa. Los golpes nunca cesan y la puerta principal cruje y tiembla a punto de abrirse. Osi llora continuamente. La máscara comienza a ser incómoda. Cara está más sola que nunca. Puede que haya llegado la hora de dejar que entren... o de irrumpir sin permiso en la habitación... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Dientes de Leche
Cara es una niña nerviosa y muy imaginativa que vive en un piso oscuro de largo pasillo con su padre y su madre. Éstos llevan ya varios días encerrados en su habitación, y la escasa comunicación que a veces se produce a través de la puerta con su hija es cada vez menos frecuente. Cara, abandonada y teniendo que valerse por sí misma,... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
El guión en la historieta
Si siempre has querido saber cómo se escribe un guión de cómic, éste es tu libro. En esta obra se explica cómo se escribe un guión de cómic desde que surge la idea hasta su corrección una vez acabado. A lo largo de sus páginas veremos distintos métodos de escritura del guión... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Little Fears: Cthulhu's Tales
Lisa, Nick, Steven, Alex and Micaela, a local group of friends, have realized that pets are disappearing around Dunwich and the worst thing is that adults don’t seem to give a damn.
They started investigating on their own and discovered that the latest disappearances have occurred near Steven’s house, so they decide to spend the... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Milk Teeth
Cara is a nervous and very imaginative girl who lives in a dark apartment with a long and tenebrous corridor with her father and mother. They have locked themself in their room for several days, and the scant communication that sometimes happens through the door with their daughter is becoming less frequent. Cara, abandoned and having to fend for herself, will soon begin an abject immersion... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Milk Teeth
It hasn't appeared what Cara expected under the pillow. The girl has found there something yellowish, moist. Something that she fails to understand. Meanwhile, in the darkness of her room, noises implore attention from beneath the bed.
Cara's nightmare continues, and the girl is carried away by her innocence to the worst places that hunger and loneliness can produce. The nightmare continues,... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Milk Teeth
The house is dirty and infested with insects that come out from everywhere. Cara's fear turns into anger that focus on her parents, who, behind the closed door of their room, seem to have disappeared completely. Meanwhile, under Cara´s bed, the little blows are getting stronger. Watch out. Better be quiet, or they'll knock on the door again to finally find the... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Milk Teeth
Cara is awaken by a terrible stench that seems is infecting the entire house. The knocks never stop and the main door creaks and trembles about to open. Osi cries continuously. The mask begins to be uncomfortable. Cara is lonelier than ever. It may be the moment to let them in ... or to break into mom and dad´s room without permission.
Cara has suffered a lot... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Milk Teeth
Cara is a nervous and very imaginative girl who lives in a dark apartment with a long and tenebrous corridor with her father and mother. They have locked themself in their room for several days, and the scant communication that sometimes happens through the door with their daughter is becoming less frequent. Cara, abandoned and having to fend for herself, will soon begin an abject immersion... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Ojos de abismo
1977 Inglaterra…. 1986 El Sahara…
Una ruta…. Un desierto….
Respuestas a preguntas sobre nuestros más personales, salvajes y oscuros secretos….
Una pareja…. Un aviador…….
Él conoce TODO…
En sus ojos residen nuestros más profundos y abismales momentos…. ... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Cody Deaner
Tonight, we have a great show for you! We bring to your scrying balls and magical mirrors a night of high-flying daredevils and fistcuffing lunatics from the pro-wrestling world. In this line of PDF’s you will find famous international wrestlers whose gimmicks have been transformed intro 5e races, class specializations, and their attacks have been transformed into spells or special... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Smacks & Guzzlers
In a world where the job of being an adventurer is tied up in red tape, two not-very-promising wanderers with delusions of grandeur set out to visit a tower rumored to be enchanted.
With one’s lack of cunning and the other’s lack of eloquence, they venture into the unknown, eager to find plenty of loot and make it out of poverty.
But it won’t... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Smacks & Guzzlers
An awful blizzard forces a group of drifters to take refuge in a cave where they discover a terrible secret, long ago forgotten. Thousands of years later, we meet Merle an Rolo coming back from their eventful looting of the Tower of Kharn, better known as the WarlockTower. Unable to prove with solid evidences their pass through the Tower, they try with escarce... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Smacks & Guzzlers
Our adventurer wannabees are going into the domains of the Tarantula, the most infamous ogre clan all around and across Dephar, in order to loot their treasure and rescue a kidnapped maiden. Their guide is Ibb whose knowledge of such a hostile and dangerous land makes them suspect. But nothing could have prepared them for what they are going to find in Bulgor... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
En un mundo en el que el oficio de aventurero es el más burocratizado, dos buscavidas de poca monta con delirios de grandeza se disponen a saquear una torre la cual se dice que está encantada.
Con la falta de astucia de uno y la ausencia de elocuencia del otro se internan en lo desconocido ansiosos por encontrar un buen botín que los saque de pobres.
Pero las cosas no tardarán... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Una terrible ventisca obliga a un grupo de nómadas a cobijarse en una cueva en la que descubren un terrible secreto largo tiempo olvidado.
Miles de años después nos reencontramos con Rolo y Merle a la vuelta de su accidentado saqueo a la Torre de Kharn, más conocida como la Torre del Brujo.
Sin tener pruebas válidas de su paso por dicha torre, intentan convencer... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Nuestros aspirantes a aventureros se adentran en los dominios de los Tarántula, el clan de ogros más infame de toda Dephar, a fin de saquear su tesoro y rescatar a una muchacha secuestrada. Siendo Ibb su guía, parece conocer sospechosamente bien ese territorio tan hostil y peligroso. Pero nada podrá prepararlos para lo que van a encontrarse en la Garganta... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
Volveremos a París
En el año 2033 Europa se encuentra ahogada por una serie de regímenes fascistas que subieron al poder tras una larga crisis económica que dejó a los países del continente en una total pobreza.
Casi todos los inmigrantes han sido expulsados, y los disidentes políticos se encuentran o bien en el exilio o bien encarcelados. En un edificio abandonado de una banlieu de Paris... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
In 2033 Europe is suffocating under several fascist governments that reached power after a long economic crisis that desolated most countries. Paris is a corrupt shadow of its former self. All the immigrants have been expelled and the political dissidents are jailed or in exile. The members of the resistance flood Montmartre to drink their woes away during... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |