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Moon and Blood Vol.1 (manga)

Moon and Blood Vol.1 (manga)

Sayaka is in for quite a surprise. Sitting at the family breakfast table one morning is a handsome stranger, a boy named Kai. And he has come to stay, at least, temporarily. Though she’s never met him before, the aloof and ill-humored boy is supposed to be a friend of her father’s. Having him at home is one thing, but to have Kai show up at her school too, well, it’s turning out...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $6.95 $2.95

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Moon and Blood Vol.2 (manga)

Moon and Blood Vol.2 (manga)

He may be an aloof loner, but it looks like Kai is getting mighty comfy in his role as the houseguest at Sayaka’s family home. He may even be picking up a few friends along the way and is actually having some fun! Of course, there’s always his sempai Ai, trying to convince him to return to the life they once lived and then there’s Natsuki, Sayaka’s brother, who keep trying to...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $6.95 $2.95

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Moon and Blood Vol.3 (manga)

Moon and Blood Vol.3 (manga)

It’s decision time for Kai. Stay or go. He was just getting comfortable being a houseguest at Sayaka’s house, his nemesis keeps coming back – and this time, they weren’t going to go away without a fight. They now have a new school teacher Ms. Karino – she seems awfully friendly with Kai. Do they know each other? And what is she doing here? Will Sayaka finally admit...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $6.95 $2.95

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Moon and Blood Vol.4 (manga)

Moon and Blood Vol.4 (manga)

Could this be the end for Ai Sempai and Kai? Thinking she was one step closer to Kai, Sayaka finally opens up to him... but Kai still has unfinished family business and everything is about to get very complicated! Yazawa's original story is about to have a dramatic ending...! ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $6.95 $2.95

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Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

西歷曆12090年 長年君臨於人類之上的貴族──吸血鬼 雖然其族開始衰落 但他們的存在仍對人類非常具威脅性 能對抗貴族的,就只有身懷最高武技的吸血鬼獵人 現在,在某個邊境的村莊入口 站立著一個戴著旅人帽子、目光深沉的獵人 他是活於光與暗的狹縫間 擁有美貌的混血兒─── 其名字為「D」 ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (French Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (French Edition)(manga)

Dans un lointain futur, sur une Terre dévastée, l'humanité est revenue à un mode de vie quasi-médiéval. Dans le même temps, les vampires sont sortis de leurs retraites millénaires et terrorisent les habitants des villages les plus reculés, aux confins du monde des vivants. C'est dans un de ces villages que D, le très mystérieux...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.1 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

バンパイアハンターD 1 世界が待ち望んだ、究極のコミック、全世界同時発売!! 日本を代表する人気SF作家・菊地秀行のベストセラー小説シリーズ「吸血鬼ハンター」が、ついにコミック化。美しきハンター「D」の剣技に酔いしれる! アメリカ・ドイツ・イタリア・フィンランドほか世界各国で同時刊行!!...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

西曆12090年 光明正要驅逐黑暗 在最終戰爭後,君臨人類的貴族──吸血鬼 遭受原因不明的種族衰退,於遠方消逝滅亡 然而,其中一部份卻仍殘存於邊境的角落 更讓人們膽戰心驚心寒不已 人類的恐佈及痛苦,促使了吸血鬼獵人的誕生 當中貴族與人類的混血鬼,被認為是最理想的獵人 不知在何時開始,有位異常俊美的年輕人的名字,...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (French Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (French Edition)(manga)

Un nouveau prédateur est apparu! Il y a dix ans de cela, au village de Tepes, quatre enfants ont disparu sur une colline réputée hantée. Deux semaines plus tard, trois réapparaissaient, sans aucun souvenir de leur captivité. Aujourd'hui une créature attaque les habitants et les change en vampires d'une nouvelle sorte, capables de marcher à la...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.2 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

バンパイアハンターD 2 風立ちて“D” 西暦12090年。長きにわたり人間の上に君臨してきた貴族(吸血鬼)は、種としての衰退を迎えていたが、なおも人類を脅かす存在であった。貴族たちに対 抗できるのは、最高の技を備えた吸血鬼ハンターのみ。いま、光と闇のはざまに生きる美貌の混血児“D”が、辺境の村ツェペシュに立つ。陽の下を歩く貴族の...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

西曆12090年, 仍是貴族———即吸血鬼在威脅着人類的時代…… 年輕的貴族,麥耶爾林克,與人類的少女, 二人因為為世不容的愛而坐上馬車私奔, 逃避一切…… 名為「D」的最強吸血鬼獵人 接受少女的父親的委託追趕二人。 而身手高強的獵人, 馬可斯兄妹亦開始追逐二人。...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (French Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (French Edition)(manga)

Liés par un amour interdit, un Noble du nom de Meier Link et une jeune humaine fuient de toutes leurs forces à bord d’un carrosse. à la demande du père de la jeune fille, D est lancé à leur poursuite, mais les ingénieux Hunters de la famille Markus sont également de la partie… Leur confrontation ne peut être que tragique et...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.3 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

西暦12090年 貴族ーーーー吸血鬼が、いまだ人種を脅かす時代。。。若き貴族:マイエルリンクと、人間の娘 懸命に馬車を走らせる二人は、愛で結ばれていた  許されざる逃避行。。。娘の父の依頼を受け最強の吸血鬼ハンターがふたりを追う ハンターの名は「D]  さらに、淒腕のハンター マーカス兄妹も追跡を開始する  そして迎えるあまりに悲しくあまりに美しい戦いこの夜の旅の、終着点は。。。...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

西曆12090年, 仍是一個貴族──即吸血鬼在威脅人類的時代… 在邊境大平原的上空飛行著的一座移動城市, 是一個一直拒絕與外界接觸的「城市」, 這裡本應永遠和平寧靜的, 可是,市內突然蔓延貴族化(吸血鬼化)的怪病, 居民面臨重大的危機。 與有點怪癖的小流氓‧布爾特八世、 和流浪醫師‧鶴來同行,...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (French Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (French Edition)(manga)

Année calendaire 12090. À cette époque, les Nobles terrorisent toujours l’espèce humaine. Un bloc mobile survole les énormes plaines d’une contrée éloignée. Totalement isolée du monde extérieur, cette cité semble vouée à une quiétude infinie, jusqu'au jour où une soudaine épidémie...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.4 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

バンパイアハンターD 4―死街譚 光と闇の狭間を生きる孤高の戦士「D」。その美しきアクションに酔いしれる! 菊地秀行のベストセラー、コミック化第4弾! ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (Chinese Edition)(manga)

西曆12090年, 貴族的榮華漸漸成為過去。 古老府第的舞會中, 少女沐浴在藍光中跳舞, 她在夢中多番見過D。 在貴族與人類 共存的一條邊境村莊, 少女受到貴族襲擊後30年, 一直沒有衰老地沉睡著。 村人以困惑和熟悉的眼神 注視着D。 吸血鬼獵人的來訪, 是否預兆着和平的村莊生活, 正面臨崩潰呢?...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (French Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (French Edition)(manga)

La gloire des Nobles n’appartient bientôt plus qu’au passé. D ne cesse de rêver d’une jeune femme, nimbée d’une lumière bleue et dansant au cours d’un bal organisé dans un vieux château. Il la retrouve plongée dans un profond sommeil dans un village reculé où Nobles et humains vivaient autrefois en harmonie....   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.5 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

バンパイアハンターD 5 (夢なりし"D") 古びた館で開かれている舞踏会で、少女が青い光を浴びて踊る夢を見ていたD。目覚めた後訪れた村でDは、困惑と親しみの混じる複雑な視線を村人達から注が れる。少女の名がシヴィルであることも、貴族の口づけを受けて30年間眠り続けていることも知らず、少女が眠る村に招かれたDに次々と刺客が襲い掛かる!...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Vampire Hunter D vol.6 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

Vampire Hunter D vol.6 (Japanese Edition)(manga)

バンパイアハンターD 6 聖魔遍歴 足を踏み入れた旅人は数多くいるがいまだかつて、戻ってきた者はいないという、辺境を二分する禁断の砂漠。そのほとりにある辺境の町から、奇妙な一団が旅立とうとしていた。外辺境一の戦闘士・ビューロー兄弟。内辺境一の神隠し破り・人探しのパイパー婆さん。貴族の館から婆さんに助けられた娘・タエ。そして最強の吸血鬼ハンターD.。だが誰も砂漠の真の姿を知りはしなかった。...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $5.99

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Age of Adventure (Manga)

Age of Adventure (Manga)

In 1876, young Takanosuke Arashi is sent by the Edo government to deliver a top-secret message to the United States of America. When his ship is waylaid by pirates, Takanosuke is cast adrift with an eclectic group of passengers, including a dog with four names, and part of a treasure map. Then begins an adventure that will take Rakanosuke around the world, from the wild-west, to old Morocco, to Baghdad....   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $9.95 $7.95

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Angel Heart (Shojo Manga)

Angel Heart (Shojo Manga)

Peace Pet Rentals' Lag is a robotic dog. He can be pretty slow at times and can't perform tasks aside from those written in his program, but despite all this, he's everyone's favorite dog. Soon, however, he is tackling people's problems in ways not included in his program, and it seems almost miraculous... Something mysterious has awakened within his heart even though he's supposed to be a machine...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 1 (Seinen Manga)

Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 1 (Seinen Manga)

Kinji Tohyama can’t seem to catch a break. As a Butei (an armed detective) he’s constantly running away from assassins and polishing up his detective skills, all while attempting to have a normal high school life. Just when he thinks he’s finally going to get out… A gun toting, sword swinging, aggressive, small-breasted, pigtail haired beauty named Aria H. Kanzaki violently drags him back in!...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 1 (Seinen Novel)

Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 1 (Seinen Novel)

Tokyo Butei High School--- A special school where armed detectives, also known as "Butei", receive education as well as training. Kinji Tohyama, a sophomore, has a unique body that can initiate an ability called "hysteria mode" when it is stimulated a certain way. He tries to keep it a secret but all his dreams of living the life of an Average Joe get shattered when he becomes a victim of a bombing...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 2 (Seinen Manga)

Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 2 (Seinen Manga)

Gun-toting, sword-wielding, pig-tail haired, Butei (an armed detective) extraordinaire Aria H. Kanzaki, has just proclaimed that the hapless Kinji Tohyama is to be her slave. Kinji denies this vehement request, but agrees to accompany her on a single case regardless of how big or small it is. Unfortunately, that one case turns out to be much bigger than anything they could’ve ever imagined. Now,...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 2 (Seinen Novel)

Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 2 (Seinen Novel)

Tokyo Butei High School, the specialized school renowned for training exemplary students to become world class buteis – military combative detectives with skills ranging from marksmanship, bomb detonation, and even supernatural abilities. Super elite S rank and top performing butei – Aria, and her chosen partner Kinji Tohyama, are assigned a new mission: to protect the SSR department’s star pupil,...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 3 (Seinen Manga)

Aria The Scarlet Ammo Vol. 3 (Seinen Manga)

Aria H. Kanzaki and Kinji Tohyama are Butei—armed detectives—and are hot on the trail of the Butei Killer! Having foiled the Killer’s attempt to hijack a bus, both Kinji and Aria assumed that the case and their one-time partnership were over. However, an unexpected guest is awaiting Aria on her plane back to London. Can Aria and Kinji finally bring the case and their unsettled feelings to...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 1 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 1 (Seinen Manga)

It is a time of great unrest. A lone ninja wandering in search of his life’s path unexpectedly finds his destiny when he crosses paths with a shrine maiden escaping a terrible fire that was intended to kill everyone at her temple. Together they find they are part of a much larger purpose, as fate brings them into the fold of  warlord Sanada Yukimura who is gathering ten of the bravest he can find....   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 2 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 2 (Seinen Manga)

Because of the blatant attack on his castle, Lord Yukimura Sanada sends three of his Brave 10 warriors on a reconnaissance mission to Izumo. Empowered by being named a Sanada Brave, Isanami embarks on this journey with haste. Along the way Isanami is met with flesh-hungry wolves, and she discovers that she may be more than just a mere shrine maiden. Following this fearful discovery, Isanami is kidnapped...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 3 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 3 (Seinen Manga)

The story of the lone ninja and the surviving shrine maiden continues in this action-packed third volume. Now accompanied by the burly Kakei, the trio continues on their journey to Izumo Grand Shrine. Upon their arrival, the shrine maiden once again stands amidst the rubble of a burned down shrine, however through the intuition of the lone ninja, Saizo, the trio uncover a secret stairway into the Earth....   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 4 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 4 (Seinen Manga)

In this action-packed continuation of the Brave 10 saga, Saizo, Kakei, and Kamanosuke join together in a futile attempt to bring down Seikai Miyoshi, the astonishingly strong monk. If they can’t take him down, then who can?! Also, when Masamune decides that he wants his treasure back, the Braves are forced to defend their home against the ferocious band of thieves known as the Ishikawa gang.  ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 5 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 5 (Seinen Manga)

Lord Yukimura’s presence has been requested at the capital for a tea party, unfortunately many of his enemies are undoubtedly going to be there as well. To make matters worse a mandate is issued that no fighting shall occur within the capital during the tea party, under penalty of law, how will Saizo manage to keep the hotheaded Kamanosuke under control? In an odd turn of events, Yukimura dances...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 6 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 6 (Seinen Manga)

Stuck between a freezing lake and Masamune Date’s army, Lord Yukimura and his band of braves are rescued(?) by a ship full of pirates. Back in Ueda there is an underhanded evil lurking about... What awaits this growing caravan? When the long journey home seemingly comes to an end, Lord Yukimura finally sheds some light on his desire to collect as many Braves as he has fingers.  ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 7 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 7 (Seinen Manga)

Still reeling from the betrayal of a beloved friend, Lord Yukimura’s Braves are surprise attacked by the Iga Grotesque Five! The Iga Grotesque Five's objective is to kill every last Brave!! The Braves fight in an epic array of strength, power, wisdom, and friendship. Can they save Isanami? Better yet, can they survive this battle against five ninjas who’ve mastered the dark arts?! ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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BRAVE 10 Vol. 8 (Seinen Manga)

BRAVE 10 Vol. 8 (Seinen Manga)

The Iga Grotesque Five have the Braves pinned down and the end is undoubtedly near. In this epic showdown, the goddess slithers her way into Isanami’s ear convincing her to discard the Kushimitama! When the world is engulfed in darkness, the Braves scramble to save Isanami—their own lives hanging in the balance.  ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Brave Dan (Manga)

Brave Dan (Manga)

Kotan is a child of Ainu descent who finds himself suddenly in the care of a man-eating tiger named Dan. Dan has vowed to Kotan that he will help him find his lost parents. Their search is cut short when the odd companions are approached by an old Ainu man named Upopo. When Upopo spins tall tales of how Kotan is the chosen one who will locate and inherit the Ainu’s hidden treasure, Kotan and...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $9.95 $7.95

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Crime And Punishment (Manga)

Crime And Punishment (Manga)

In Russia, on the eve of the revolution, a young student named Raskolnikov murders an old pawnbroker over a pocket watch. Although an innocent man is quickly arrested for the crime, Raskolnikovs’s own published essay - suggesting that people who are “extra-ordinary” are above such things as “right” and “wrong” - draws the suspicion of judge Porfiry. Who will...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $9.95 $7.95

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Dark Crimson And A Shadow Of White (Yaoi Manga)

Dark Crimson And A Shadow Of White (Yaoi Manga)

Longing for his lost humanity, the vampire Endless faces eternity alone, save for his faithful familiar, the wolf, Soosa. Fate caused the pair to briefly encounter a bright eyed youth, and a connection was forged. Four long years later, the youth is now a young man and ready and willing to leave his brother to become Endless' companion. Rei's brother is not so keen to let him go, however, and swears...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Diabolo Vol. 1 (Josei Manga)

Diabolo Vol. 1 (Josei Manga)

Something extra-wicked comes this way! Ren and Rai play with fire when they sell their souls to the demon Diabolo to save Ren's cousin. Diabolo gives Ren the power of ultimate offense and Rai the power of ultimate defense. However, those who fall into the Diabolo's trap start to go crazy at 17, and at age 18 they reach the point of no return... ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 1 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 1 (manga)

During a routine raid, sky pirate Coud Van Giruet discovers a most unusual bounty: Ren, an “Edel Raid”, is a living weapon who interacts with a human to become the ultimate fighting machine. But when Ren is captured by an evil Edel Raid dealer named Beazon, Coud quickly realizes that she is even more prized than he first thought. Ren’s only chance of rescue lies with Coud and the...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 10 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 10 (manga)

Eager to avenge Viro, Rowen and Kuea jump into battle against Lonble. But Kuea's attacks are useless against Lonble, whose Edel Raids overwhelm Kuea with their versatility and power. Have Rowen and Kuea bitten off more than they can chew? ...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 2 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 2 (manga)

Coud, Ren and their mates from Arc Aile finally make it to the Leaning Bazaar, where they encounter a bizarre assortment of characters, including a mysterious little girl who won’t leave them alone. In light of recent Edel Raid thefts, Coud clings tightly to Ren—but will his grip be strong enough when they confront the dastardly and deadly Edel Raid hunter Wolx Hound?! The long-awaited...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 3 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 3 (manga)

While Edel Raid hunter Wolx Hound is secretly meeting with a black market Edel Raid broker, Coud and Cisqua must race against the clock to keep the Edel Raids from being sold into a life of destruction. But when facing a foe as tough as Wolx, Coud may need more than Ren to stop this treacherous transaction! The long-awaited manga series that launched the hugely popular anime franchise continues…...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 4 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 4 (manga)

Coud is back—and he’s training hard! During his workout, he spots the great fighter Rasati returning home. Coud insists that she tell him her secrets to winning—but when she tells him it’s simply her desire to win that makes her unbeatable, Coud quickly begins to doubt his own chances against her. Can Rowen, Cisqua and Ren boost his confidence while they whip him into fighting...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 5 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 5 (manga)

After finally standing up to the corrupt owner of Milliard Trey, Rasati finds herself battling two top-ranked fighters. Her only chance of victory is to react with her Edel Raid sister, Lilia…but does Lilia have the courage to fight? Later, Coud and Ren take their first ride on a ship. But when Coud is stalked by an obsessed fan and hunted by an assassin, he discovers this is one boat ride that...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 6 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 6 (manga)

Abandon ship! Coud’s first time on a boat doesn’t go so swimmingly as the battle continues between his crew and the assassin Grayarts. Together they may be able to take the air out of Grayarts’s sails—but with Cisqua’s itchy trigger finger set on “seek and destroy,” will there be anyone left to raise the victory flag? Meanwhile, Coud’s lack of a government...   [click here for more]
Digital Manga  $12.95 $7.95

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Erementar Gerade Vol. 7 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 7 (manga)

The adventure continues as sky pirate Coud Van Giruet is pushed to new heights! In an attempt to avoid arrest, Coud and his companions are forced to climb through the mountains. When their route is cut off by a deep ravine their only hope is a ropeway station—which has been closed for six years! While Coud fixes the ropeway car, Rowen and Cisqua become even more suspicious of Viro. They figure...   [click here for more]
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Erementar Gerade Vol. 8 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 8 (manga)

With Ren poisoned by Viro, Coud races against the clock to find an Edel Raid doctor that can save her life. But his quest takes an unexpected detour as the doctor informs Coud of another Edel Raid that has been waiting 500 years to be reunited with Ren. Coud seeks her out - but he is not alone, as another Viro assassin is secretly following him, waiting for her chance to strike... ...   [click here for more]
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Erementar Gerade Vol. 9 (manga)

Erementar Gerade Vol. 9 (manga)

While Coud and company make their way to the town of Tolo Dyle, more and more members of Organite find out that Coud is in possession of the Shichiko-hoju. As if his profile wasn't high enough, now he's really in harm's way. ...   [click here for more]
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Her Witch (Shojo Manga)

Her Witch (Shojo Manga)

Leica is a princess from the Holy Wadu Empire. Nadeshiko is a high schooler with boy problems. The two are bound by an ancient pact that was activated when Nadeshiko unwittingly released Leica into her world. Now Nadeshiko's world has been turned upside down as ghosts and magic suddenly stop being the stuff of fantasy and start becoming everyday occurrences. When a strange spirit appears and targets...   [click here for more]
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