the story begins, the last enchanter an action packed fantasy adventure with stunning full color artwork with dark elves dragons
The last Enchanter is an Action packed Fantasy adventure Wiped out by Kor-gat the Dragon master, the Enchanters leave behind a boy that is the last of his kind. Blackthorn is the son of Arum the lord of Martagon, and Arache, the elven heir to Asphodel, the Enchanter warlord.... [click here for more]
Most people have heard the name King Arthur or Lancelot, Avalon and Camelot. Arthurian Myth and legend has thrived over the centuries and has become one of the most cherished and well known stories of Britain. What if this famous tale of knights, chivalry and betrayal held a deeper secret than anyone had dreamed possible? A race called the Time Weavers crashed on Earth, stranded and cut off from their... [click here for more]
The Last Enchanter is an action packed fantasy adventure with dark elves dragons
Wiped out by Kor-gat the Dragon master, the Enchanters leave behind a boy that is the last of his kind. Blackthorn is the son of Arum the lord of Martagon, and Arache, the elven heir to Asphodel, the Enchanter warlord. In a world of Dragons and Dragon tamers, elven warriors and terrifying beasts of battle ... [click here for more]
From the raven watchers trilogy by morgan fitzsimons
a paranormal celtic fantasy
Ancelyn the Raven Watcher is a mysterious warrior guardian who Sian Devlin first meets in her mind. He haunts her dreams until he becomes a flesh and blood reality that saves her. He and Sian and her siblings enter the mysterious world of the Ellylon and legendary creatures who battle against the evil of the past... [click here for more]
Prologue to the last enchanter an action packed fantasy adventure with stunning full color artwork with dark elves dragons
The last Enchanter is an Action packed Fantasy adventure Wiped out by Kor-gat the Dragon master, the Enchanters leave behind a boy that is the last of his kind. Blackthorn is the son of Arum the lord of Martagon, and Arache, the elven heir to Asphodel, the Enchanter warlord.... [click here for more]