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Hottest Web Comics from Dork Storm Press
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The Collected Dork Tower Volume X!
The fan-favorite, critically acclaimed comic returns with the eagerly awaited THE TAO OF IGOR! It's the big day—Mud Con! But is its new director, Igor, ready? Or even awake? And what of Matt, Gilly, Carson, Ken, Sujata, and the rest of the gang? Great for new readers, a delight for long-time fans, THE TAO OF... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
EMBRACE THE SQUEE is the uber-geeky coloring book by John Kovalic!
In it you'll find dinosaurs, elder gods, kobolds, pirates and more, pefect for the child in your life, of the inner-child in you!
Proceeds from the sale of Embrace the Squee go to The Hero Initiative.
The Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for comic creators who may... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
The Dork Tower comic strip premiered in the pages of Shadis Magazine.
In this volume every strip from Shadis and every strip from Dragon Magazine are being reprinted here in chronological order.
Dork Decade is the first full-colour Dork Tower collection ever, and contains creator John Kovalic's notes, tons of extra material, developmental sketches, and surprise... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
Recopilación de historias cortas humorísticas publicadas originalmente en Estados Unidos por la editorial independiente Corsair Publishing. ... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
John Kovalic nos ofrece otra serie de tiras mordaces y satíricas del mundo freak: más roleros munchkin, más MACeros escocidos, etc. Cuidado, llega la Amenaza FAN-tasma... ... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
Dork Tower #1 - Le Seigneur des Blaireaux Les Deux Tours
... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
Sun! Fun! Muskrats in Swimtrunks! Thirty-five Dork Tower strips that didn't fit into the regular run, plus a Swimsuit Section from some great comic artists: Phil Foglio - Gilly & Sith, Aaron Williams - Nodwick, Keith Knight - The K Chronicles, Alex Robinson - Box Office Poison, Jon "Bean" Hastings - Dork Tower, Rich Koslowski - Geeksville, Dan Smith - Bruno, Chris Adams - Yamara, Jason Holmgren... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |
The very best strips from issues 1-6 of the fan-favorite comic!
Dork Tower is for anybody who's ever played Dungeons and Dragons, who's ever gone to a Star Trek convention, anyone who suspects that anime is growing, or anyone who KNOWS one of these people. But it's really for people who know what saving rolls you need to make against a level III Demon, which Classic... [click here for more] |
Dork Storm Press |