STAR MISSIONS is a Science Fiction Adventure series that takes place in the early 23rd century. Man has successfully populated distant star systems and for the past 25 years lived peacefully among the two alien worlds in the "Strolla System".
All of that is about to change and the series begins.
Follow the adventures of Blue-ray, Amanda, Governor Belter, Colonel Hand and a great cast of characters,... [click here for more]
Belter has lost power, his family and his will to live. In a series of flashbacks, we see how he discovered Angel's Gate and helped Terra recover. Also, how Belter made first contact with Zorag, the Hydran Leader. Somehow, his memory also could have revealed that the mysterious Hydrans know more about Terra and Belter than previously thought. ... [click here for more]
Rescue attempt goes wrong and Colonel Hand makes a false step. Blue-Ray meets Teleka, beautiful Jamill from Planet Pladus. Belter gets a big surprise. ... [click here for more]
Blue-Ray is safely back in the Strolla System but Major Lee asks him to go back to the Food Planet to try to recover Colonel Hand. Flaad reveals things about Terra’s past. Jonathan Belter’s memory of the lost 10 days starts to return. Emerson starts to create trouble. ... [click here for more]
On the way back to the Strolla System from the Food Planet, the crew picks up life signs on the killer bug infested planet, Nisthura. Bugs are gone but the Terrans find survivors of the attack, including a Nisthuran that has unique powers. ... [click here for more]
Colonel Hand is brought back to Hydra and Blue-Ray and Teleka part ways from Nisthura. Flaad’s worries are confirmed and Mining operations on Nova reveal some secrets about the planet and it’s inhabitants. Emerson Enterprises is also caught breaking the Nova land treaty with disastrous consequences. ... [click here for more]
Emerson of Emerson Enterprises, wants to be governor. His ambition causes him to break alliances and go rogue. Despite his arrogance, Emerson is a capable leader and is prepared for a fight as the Korram plan an overwhelming attack. However, Emerson may be fighting the wrong battle. Take a look at what happens next with Colonel Hand, Dr. Eleanora and the rest of the characters in the Strolla system.... [click here for more]
French Translation of Star Missions Issue #2 (The Precanus System)
Colonel Hand takes over in the Strolla System. The Alien is identified and Blue-Ray is sent to the Precanus System to investigate the origin of the killer bugs! Continuation of Issue #1. ... [click here for more]