Once your publisher account is created, a publisher menu will appear on your Account page on DriveThruComics.com.
The menu gives you options to set up new titles on the marketplace, check your sales, offer titles as Print-on-Demand, and cash-out your royalties. Other tools let you promote your titles for free on the marketplace, email offers to prior customers, or further analyze your sales patterns. Tutorial videos, help pages, and publisher service emails are there to help you through each step.
So How Does This Work?
You upload titles to us, usually as PDF or other ebook format files (though we accept audio, video, software and other media types as well), whenever you want. You determine the price and the presentation of your titles.
Once you set-up your first title, our publisher relations folks will look over your title to make sure the set-up is correct and that the title conforms to our minimum quality standards. They will then activate your title so it goes live on the marketplace for sale to customers.
As customers purchase your titles, your sales reports reflect this in real-time, and your royalty balance increases in real-time. You can choose to be paid royalties via Paypal or by check every month.
Since all of our marketplaces share a common title database, you can also cross-list appropriate titles easily to other sites, such as cross-listing novels about your comic characters to DriveThruFiction and to 70%. All royalties from all sites are pooled into your publisher account, and you use the same log in information on all of our sites.
In addition to offering your titles as digital downloads, you can choose to set-up some or all of your titles for our Print-on-Demand program. Whenever a customer orders your title in print, we print a copy of your book for that order and ship it to the customer. As with downloads, you determine the price of your print titles and receive a royalty on the margin between the selling price and the print cost of the book.
We strive to maintain a professional quality standard for all titles on our marketplace. If your titles are not yet up to the standard of other titles you see on the marketplace, please continue to work on them before signing up to publish them on our marketplace.