Our print program allows you to offer not just hard cover and soft cover printed books, but also small posters, and playing cards in varying sizes and styles. We utilize printing houses for books in both the U.S. and the U.K. to help both you and our customers with shipping costs.
The Print-on-Demand (POD) system allows for very small print quantities, including single copies. POD allows books to be printed as needed, per sale, rather than printed in a large quantity or "run" and stored in a warehouse to be sold from inventory. This means no investment is required for a large up-front cost for a print run, no storage costs or labor, and less shipping costs overall. You can even have printed titles shipped directly to retailers from our site!
If you allow us to offer your title in printed format to customers, then we print copies to fill each customer order and credit your account with earnings on the order.
Learn more about pricing and formats of book formats
Learn more about pricing and formats of card and poster formats