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Super-Powered Fate
by Aaron S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/21/2021 11:16:07

This was one of the best, clearest, most concise explanations of how to tune the Fate System for your needs, and while targeted at (and wonderful for) Supers gaming it can give you worthwhile insights not matter what genre you are wanting to play. Highly recommeded!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Super-Powered Fate
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Super-Powered Fate
by John C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/17/2021 13:30:39

Personally, I think Fate has needed this supplement, I don't think it is at all "yet another super powers" Fate supplement. I think it's well worth the buy.

Super-Powered Fate uses the core Fate concepts of Aspects and Stunts to describe super powers, unlike many other super power supplements for Fate that hack point-buy or mechanically structured power systems into Fate. Fate's strength is in its narrative components for story-driven game play, so by using those core elements of Fate, I find Super-Powered Fate easier to integrate with other Fate products, easier to extend to define more types of supers, easier to create tiers of power for my storylines...just overall, easier to customize and plan gameplay using Fate design elements. While there are other Fate super power supplements that also use Aspects and Stunts, instead of an Extras hack to do powers, Super-Powered Fate, being recent, also benefits from innovations and clarifications that Fate Condensed brought out, and other Fate gameplay over the past few years.

If you want to GM a supers campaign in Fate, you just need this. Just buy it. Even if you don't use it, the concepts are worth having. In fact, if you're trying to design other power structures for Fate, like modern paranormal magic systems, psychic systems, or more, you might find useful design ideas in this. It's so worth the $5.99, IMO. Thanks for a great Fate product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Super-Powered Fate
by Jeffery H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/21/2021 13:54:21

Super-Powered Fate is the answer for Fate Players looking for a more super powered system then Venture City can provide. Ive made 100’s of supers using the VC ruleset but at the end of the day they start feeling quite similar and it is difficult to truly create the unique vision for the character you have in your head.

SFP on the other hand gives you a framework to build your Super from the ground up without relying on pre-generated power packages. Instead, Harmon builds a framework for you to create your own power stunts, power skills, and power aspects to tailor make your character exactly how you want, while also introducing a scale system where supers really do feel different from each other.

The rules are concise and well explained while being cross-referenced with Fate Condensed where appropriate. This is the best available framework for Super Powered Campaigns, but it’s concepts can be applied to any genre you may want to play.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Super-Powered Fate
by David F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/15/2020 12:00:42

This is an excellent primer on both Fate Superheroes, and can be used to leverage Fate Condensed for any modern genre--from Anime to Space Opera.

The page references to Fate Condensed/Core and other Evil Hat products are a nice touch and most appreciated. The example characters are well thought out and "on point".

About 20 pages of content that explain Fate Supers well. This is book is not "crunchy" and will take a group of players some real conversation to create the type of game they want to play.

It does not have powers or other specific powers spelled out, but instead this product gives a framework to use player/GM knowledge and imagination to create the type of game you want.

Highly recommended for the price. It is 8.5 x 11 letter format, so printed it really won't fit the standard Fate book size and I hope the author provides a POD option soon.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Super-Powered Fate
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/19/2020 23:39:48

Get it. It’s got what you want to start a Super Powered Fate (SPF) campaign. Make sure you grab your copy of Fate Condensed.

At the heart of a Super Powered campaign are the Superpowers, and SPF treats it with clarity and gravity giving us an attractive “true to Fate” rendition of what running superpowers in a Fate Condensed or Fate Core campaign should look and feel like.

The Essentials: On pages 3 and 4 are the crucial things you'll need to consider about Superhero Campaign Mechanics with clear guidance for Character Mechanics and Setting Rules (dial-setting). The work on Superpowers from pages 5-13 is clear, extensive and usefully detailed without being “too much.”

How to write a Superpower Aspect and utilize the permissions and denials it grants is well done and gives us more understanding on the effective use of Aspects overall: this is the core of developing a Superpower. Power Skills gives a tweakable way of looking at skills in a Supers campaign, explaining mundane and super usages without having to author a whole new set of skills, though he also shows what the super powered version of a skill might look like with very effective examples. Power Stunts rounds out the set, showing us how to really give diversity and punch to whatever created effect might be wanted. SPF touches significantly on Power Scale (as a special powers stunt) which is based on the Scale Rule already found in Fate. Finally, 10 character Archetypes are shared, along with a sampling of Super Powered Fate characters.

SPF is written more in the style of FC taking advantage of the clarifications and the style in which it was written. Harmon's skills as a published writer gives us a well written mechanical and descriptively sound perspective, while consistently highlighting some of the clarity brought to us by the newest set of Fate rule-sets, Fate Condensed. SPF is oriented towards Fate Condensed, more so than Fate Core (because of the more recent clarifications of some of the rules such as Stress damage), but Fate Core and Fate Condensed ARE essentially interchangeable with no effort. With that being said, there are very useful references, such as FC p. 52 (Fate Condensed), throughout SPF which sets this particular product a nudge ahead of its peers.

The entire work reads beautifully and is effectual enough to get your Superpowered campaign - whether it's a traditional 4 Color Fight or a menagerie of magic users - up and running in no time.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by Andrew S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/20/2020 01:54:28

This book is not a good rules set to build your own superhero world for using the FATE system. That is what I was hoping for when I bought it and it was a bit of a disappointment on that front. The rules are pretty heavily interconnected with the setting. That means if you are in fact looking for a rules set to play in the Wearing the Cape universe this book is wonderful. I loved the art throughout the book, quite well done.

The rules are a bit convoluted for a FATE game and there are some power balance issues surrounding power classifications, for example Atlas types don’t cost any more than Ajax types and are just better, but that seems to be baked into the setting, so I can’t really fault it there, I just wish there were some other balancing method that gave someone with a more limiting concept something back. I can’t help noticing that everytime I encountered the Atlas type rules they were just better than the other types (physique adding to both attack and armor unlike the projection type rules), so it seems like it was written around the main character of the book series.

So if you are looking to play a game set in this universe this book will definitely get you there, if not I’d advise steering clear.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
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Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by Anthony M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/29/2019 20:24:33

I’ve finished a first pass through both of Wearing the Cape, the Roleplaying Game and Barlow’s Guide & The B-Files and I believe I’ve finally found my Fate Superhero RPG.

I’m an old Champions player. It was my first RPG. I loved how I could make any character come to life in Champs. I still gravitate toward systems that support that level of player creativity. I’ve dabbled with Icons and Venture City, but both games were missing that range of expression.

Venture City is really good for experienced Fate players to dive right into the attached street-to-corporate superheroes setting, Superpunk. Powers are built on a Extra template. And characters are limited to two powers each. Which I found a little confusing until I realized that the player defines the powers. So Captain America has the powers Super Soldier and Adamantium Shield rather than, Super Fighting, Super Athletics, Super Strategy, etc. Just like Wearing the Cape, the power level can be scaled up by increasing the PC’s number of starting stunts. But I find that two power limit kind hangs over the creation process. And it lacks implicate support for flexible power pools, like magic or hypertech.

Icons is a proto-Fate game, written before Fate Core was published. So the dice, rules, and nomenclature are a little different. What Fate Core calls Stress, Icons calls Stamina. And the game uses d6’s instead of Fate Dice. Icons is a simple game and it’s really easy to make NPCs on the fly. You can also add limits to powers like in Champions. You can do that in Wearing the Cape, and indeed in any stunt in a Fate Core game, but the the point cost of limits in Icons are straight forward and don’t require bargaining with the GM. Icons has the Bronze Age of comics feel whereas Wearing the Cape feels contemporary, both in the way powers are built, but in the setting material. Icons is built around a random character generation system (which I really don’t care for) and the points based version feels like an afterthought.

In the setting material, all supers, called Breakthoughs, have a common origin. Since the divergence event (a worldwide blackout called…The Event) some people in dangerous situations have a ‘breakthough’ and manifest superpowers. Besides breakouts, you can play a robot from the future, or a hyper-intelligent, vampire dog from a parallel universe, no problem. The setting material is very broad and accommodates a wide range of character origins. But it’s missing the legacy of a Golden Age. You can set a ‘Golden Age’ in a parallel universe. But in the core setting, the Event happened in recent history.

Character creation in Wearing the Cape includes power templates called Types which cover the major archetypes of super heroes. Wanna be a Hulk? Ajax Type. Wanna be a Superman? Atlas-Type. Etc. I like how there’s a Paragon-Type for your Batman or Mr Terrific, and a Verne-Type for your Iron Man or Lex Luthor, so there’s less debate on who is a proper superhero. You don’t have to stick to these Types, you can create your own Type from whole cloth, ignore the Types altogether, or mix and match Yypes. The Metamorph Type in particular crosses over with the other Types quite well.

The magic/super science/Stunt pools provisions are great for flexible Dr Strange/Warlock types. And probably faster in play than Champions’ Power Pools.

The rules build on Fate Core, but only a little. Skills have been split into Attributes, Skills, and Resources (Reputation, Wealth, Contacts). High attributes grant bonuses to skills when appropriate, so a high strength grants a weapon rating to the Fight skill and an Armor Rating for defense. With characters with a high upper ceiling for their capabilities it makes sense. Other new rules include; if a PC makes a roll with no ‘+’s they get a Fate Point. And if a role fails by -3 or more that’s an Epic Fail and creates a Collateral Damage Aspect. There might be other divergences from baseline Fate Core, I’ve only read through the book once.

Barlow’s Guide & The B-Files is the big book of NPCs. It has a few more Types, and a lot more of the setting, and a very satisfying number of Breakouts. You can see the influences, but very few of these characters feel like direct analogs of properties published elsewhere. Compared to other NPC books for supers games this book is light on the villains. Probably because they’re pulled from the source material, Marion G. Harmon’s Wearing the Cape novels. There’s also few straight forward bad guys in contemporary fiction, and more every-villain-believes-they’re-a-hero types. Many of the NPCs are private contractors using their powers to do a job. It makes the supers feel like the live in their world instead of on top of it, a feeling often lacking in the comics.

Need More NPCs?As a Fate Core game, Wearing the Cape allows the GM to bring in a wider rage of NPCs from other setting books without complication. So throw Harry Dresden at your player’s super hero team, why not?

Even if you don’t use the setting, the expanded Extra rules for creating power types should be enough to get your Fate Core Super Hero game going. And the art is fantastic.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: Operation Pole Star
by Jeremiah E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/21/2018 12:25:48

I am a fan of Mr. Harmon's Wearing the Cape universe and quickly snatched up a copy of this product upon its release. The supplement/adventure is 12 pages in length. If you are familiar with the other Wearing the Cape RPG books and high production quality then you will enjoy the same level of attention and design with this book as well. I enjoy Kasia Slupecka artwork from the cover and the continuity in with this book and the other RPG products. Please keep in mind this is a FATE powered product and all game stats are recorded in the WtC: RPG format, but can still be used with FATE Core as well.

The book includes an opening chapter addressing how Ole Saint Nick fits into the Post-Event world of WtC and sites examples of how to incorporate Santa into other type of campaigns. Mr. Harmon then follows up plot ideas and area descriptions of the North Pole and story specific areas addressed by the adventure. I was surprised to find several top down and 3D rendered maps of one of key areas within the adventure. I like maps and find them very useful with my players in describing the areas they will be playing during an adventure.

The only item that kept me from giving this book 5 stars, is that despite Mr. Harmon presenting several ideas on how to approach the villainous plot. It is ultimately in true FATE fashion a loose suggestion of how to approach the story and leaves the specifics up to the individual game master. It would have nice to have a few more fleshed out ideas and suggestions and more concrete path of play. With that said, the Side bar texts do an excellent job of presenting options and ideas for the game master to explore during the play.

Our gaming group is playing this adventure on Christmas Eve and we are all looking forward to meeting Santa! Thank you Mr. Harmon for this seasonally themed WtC adventure.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: Operation Pole Star
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Wearing the Cape, Special Edition
by Tom G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/11/2018 09:43:57

Wow. This is NOT the special edition of the roleplay book. It's the special edition of the novel. Why is that sold on DTRPG??? I thought I'd buy the roleplay :(

If I'd wanted the book: The kindle version costs not even one-third...

Update: I gave a better rating because of the kind feedback (offering a refund). Still I think this e-book is better hostet at or the description should be absolutely clear that this is not the rpg rulebook.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape, Special Edition
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Creator Reply:
Just now spotted this. The reason it's offered here is some backers from the Kickstarter wanted the ebook but didn't use Kindle-supporting readers. Go figure. If DriveThruRPG wouldn't give you a refund and you'd like one, let me know at Send me a screen-shot of your account showing the purchase/deletion, and I'll use Paypal.
Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans
by Jeremiah E. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/11/2018 08:06:10

Mr Harmon has used this resource to flesh out his post-event world. We get to see a great deal more of how his world was changed by the creation of "Supers"or Capes. If you are a fan of FATE Core, Mr. Harmon's Wearing The Cape series of novels, or the WtC RPG this is a must have resource. The book is well desinged and full of campaing material and character examples to help fill out your own campaign world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans
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Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans
by Jim S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/10/2018 18:11:57

A great addition to the world of Wearing the Cape.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by Brendan C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/04/2017 04:49:37

A fantastic book series and a great supers setting for tabletop play! The RPG really utilizes the FATE setting to the fullest, and the forthcoming Barlow's Guide has a ton more NPCs and worldbuilding background.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
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Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/27/2017 14:43:55

I've played numerous instances of Fate campaigns, coming across some interesting Fate Worlds. My group was becoming powerful enough that a Supers campaign just made sense. I saw this a few months ago, noted the price and thought it would come down like so many other books on DTRPG. And since I've bought it, it may very well still come down.

But I'm very glad I purchased this book.

It's written by writer/publishing team. It's a pleasant read on every conceivable level. It also adds some mechanics - such as breaking down skills into characteristics, skills, and resources - which refines Fate Core characters beautifully in a way that doesn't change what Fate characters are and how the game plays. The writing style actually smooths out some mechanics.

It's a game written by a professional writer the way a gamer that loves both writing and games would write it. I'd write a game module this way if I had the writing skill; I certainly love Fate this much.

Without becoming too fan-ish: thank you. I'll be checking out the books from which the game springs as well.

Kudos and well done.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by Christian F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/07/2017 10:47:07

I haven't played FATE before, but after a couple videos I think it is pretty easy. When I had trouble downloading the game, the creator responded quickly to get me my copy I kickstarted. He always responded quickly and checked in until I was satisfied. 10/10

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game
by David A. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/05/2017 15:14:02

The best Super hero skin for FATE. I highly recommend reading the books then having your session 0 with the players. The ideas will pour out of you. Great product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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