Ah, a real gem of a find this one do be!
While I am not a fan of the coloring that made its way onto the front cover, I am nonetheless jubilant to embrace what lies beyond. This comic book's interior pages harken unto the Jack Kirby fan in me. This is one of the best indie comic books that I have encountered, to date.
The interior pages are black and white, yet they conjure up for me a visual reminder of why I loved the old black and white Savage Sword of Conan and Conan Saga magazines from Marvel. Yet, it is the quasi-Kirby imaginative characters that give this comic book, Ash-Aman, a visual impact all its own.
In my considered opinion, this is the best comic book in the entire Blue Moon Comics line. I would, in fact, take the plunge and do a life subscription to this series - except a life subscription option doesn't exist. That's how bad I want - nay, crave - the next issue and subsequent issues in this series in my grasp, right now.
Everyone, of course, doesn't like the same thing, whether in comic books or in other things in life, but Ash-Aman Special Edition #1 is a comic book that is definitely worth more than just a look. This thing has visual impact in spades!
The storyline is interesting. The comic panels are diverse. Here, the eyes are treated to a visual smorgasbord in a good way. Ash-Aman managed to do what a great many indie comic books (and even many comic books by Marvel, DC, and other major comic book publishers of notoriety) have failed to do down through the years, and that is to retain my interest both through to the end as well as to leave my mind gnawing for more.
I love the art style, and while it has a strong Kirby flair to it, it stands on its own legs, I think, in that I don't just read from page to page making comparisons to Jack Kirby's creations. Rather, the storyline pulls its weight, and it drags me beyond the art, itself, urging me on to the end. In a nutshell, what is presented works well for both my eyes and my imagination. It's one of those comic books that you don't want to end, and leaves you wishing that the publisher would hurry up and get the next issue out.
The artwork isn't as refined as Jack Kirby's was, at the height of his artistic prowess. But make no mistake, it pays visual tribute to him, nonetheless. Some of the pages are imbued with an epic feel, and the artist is clearly reaching for the visual moon. This is no half-ass rush job indie comic book. It has the hallmarks of a quality effort, and I count myself a fan of this series, even though it's only one issue in, at this point.
While there is visual power on display in this issue, it is the visual grandeur to which the reader is treated that has caused me to fall in love with it in a single issue.
Long may this comic book series thrive!