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MAJESTIC Overwatch
Publisher: Pelgrane Press
by Jay D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2015 13:03:20

I enjoy this product very much, but you will need other books to get a playable game from it: Moon Dust Men and Galileo Uplift.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
MAJESTIC Overwatch
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Nobilis: the Game of Sovereign Powers (2002 Edition)
Publisher: Jenna Katerin Moran
by Jay D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/19/2014 04:58:22

Having just bought this long-awaited PDF, I was disappointed to find it lacked bookmarks. I also found it lacked the front and back cover of the original hardcover. Some of the internal artwork differs from the original hardcover. I read that happened because of licensing disputes, and the same might apply to the covers.

On the other hand, this PDF also lacks the unsightly watermarks common to many PDFs sold by One Book Shelf, and it has no Document Permission restrictions either. This means a customer can add their own bookmarks and marginalia, or entire pages for that matter. I certainly hope more publishers follow this example. It makes PDFs much more useful to customers.

It remains a steal at the sale price in late December 2014, and as a long-time fan of the game, I would have paid full price for it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Nobilis: the Game of Sovereign Powers (2002 Edition)
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Ramsey Campbell's Goatswood
Publisher: Chaosium
by Jay D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2007 21:48:51

Just as with "H. P. Lovecraft's Dunwich: Return to the Forgotten Village," you again pay half-price for a half done scan. I haven't noticed any streaks, yet every page (including the front cover) seems crooked. Photoshop has an angle measurement tool and automation features that might have been used to correct this problem. I wish Chaosium had taken the trouble to do so.

If you have decent skills with Photoshop or the GIMP, or perhaps even just the full version of Acrobat, you could probably fix everything wrong with this scan. On the other hand, doing so overlaps with what you pay good money for the producer to do. Scanned image books never look as good as original electronic format books. With care, they can and should look much better than this.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Ramsey Campbell's Goatswood
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Dunwich: Return to the Forgotten Village
Publisher: Chaosium
by Jay D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/18/2007 21:37:44

What can I say? They admit selling a scanned image book, and they sell it for only $13.

You get just about what you pay for: half-price for a half-baked scan. While well cropped, each page seems desaturated: blacks look gray, mid-tone grays look pale, and the whole book just looks washed out. Pages, including the front cover, have streaks. On the plus side, I have not noticed any bleed through. That means none of the pages have text from the reverse side showing in the scan.

Normally I prefer electronic editions, even scans, to hard copies. This title... buy it if and only if you can't find a paper copy on sale near you.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Dunwich: Return to the Forgotten Village
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