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Crystal Heart
Publisher: Up to Four Players
by Gregorio M. I. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/13/2019 20:11:26

After several emails with the designer in question, I am satisfied that his heart is in the right place and I have no further issues or concerns. Therefore, I am editing my review:

This is one of the most unique and interesting game settings I have even seen in 40 years of playing RPGs. Even though I don't play Savage Worlds, I knew I had to help Kickstart it. I have not been disappointed in the product in the slightest.

This product is so good, that I recommend its inclusion on everyones shelves.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crystal Heart
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Creator Reply:
Hey Gregorio, I won't be deleting this review, because I don't think that silencing people helps anyone. I do think there's some misunderstanding somewhere, however, and so I offer to explain myself, hopefully better than I explained myself before. I am assuming you're referring to our post about last year's Ennies; I believe that if given the chance to talk in emails or even voice chat, and not through Facebook's problematic interface, I might be able to present my thoughts in a way that can, I hope, show that there's indeed some miscommunication here. I had no intention of saying the things that you came to understand from my words. If you're willing to give me the chance, you can contact me directly at nnesk1 at
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