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All Canadian Comics #4a $3.99 $0.99
Publisher: Red Leaf Comics
by Michael M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/11/2017 13:34:48

As a Canadian comics reader, I have to say I was very disappointed in this book. I WANTED to like it, but I felt that a book with such an important title -- "All-Canadian Comics"-- should have had stronger stories.

I need to suggest that each of the stories showcased in it needed very much to work on pacing. "Megga Origin" was too frenetic, popping from place to place, and forgetting sound effects that would have helped deliver impact and context to scenes.

"The Hidden Island" suffered in the lettering, to the point that it was distracting from the story as a whole. TO TELL A STORY IN ALLCAPS WITHOUT PROPER PUNCTUATION OR INFLECTION MAKES THE ENTIRE THING LESS DRAMATIC AND OVERALL LESS COMPREHENSIBLE, if you see what I mean. May I suggest looking at some of the great FREE comic fonts available at and

As for "Commander North," it felt both in art and story like a very young person telling a story for the first time. It meandered and seemed never to have a point.

I usually enjoy trying new book from creators I haven't heard of before, but All-Canadian Comics #4a was a disappointment through and through. I will not be purchasing another issue.

I must suggest that the creators could stand to study the medium some more; try starting with Brian M. Bendis' book "Words for Pictures: The Art and Business of Writing Comics and Graphic Novels."

[1 of 5 Stars!]
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All Canadian Comics #4a
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