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Masks: A New Generation
by August
Publisher: Magpie Games
Date Added: 08/23/2024 00:26:25
pixel_trans.gif Masks: A New Generation I've been running a campaign using this system for a few weeks now, and it's been pretty great so far! It has a lot of mechanics (like influence and shifting labels) that are very fun to play around with as GM and my players are having a great time too. I will say that combat can sometimes feel kind of stale; PBtA just isn't great for super action-packed combat-heavy adventures most of the time in my opinion, and this game doesn't even have a mechanic for player death so the stakes feel low under the default rules. Personally, I house-rule'd in a possibility for player death so combat felt a little more exciting and my players appreciated that. But if you're looking for a more social/roleplay heavy game, and appreciate the teen superhero genre it's based off of, you'll definitely have a good time with Masks....

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Eternal Warrior: Scorched Earth
by Nathan
Publisher: Alien Books
Date Added: 08/15/2024 07:53:09
pixel_trans.gif Eternal Warrior: Scorched Earth It was great seeing the Geomancer show up again. The story moves along well, and the dynamic between the immortal brothers works well for long-time fans and new ones alike. I'm looking forward to seeing more on the Eternal Warrior and Geomancer with Alien Books' new titles.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crystal Heart
by Alexander
Publisher: Up to Four Players
Date Added: 07/29/2024 18:20:18
pixel_trans.gif Crystal Heart Great design, I enjoyed reading it very much! Also check out the comic at their website (but you're probably coming from there...)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Almsford #0 - Ashley
by Gabriel A.
Publisher: Daylight Publications
Date Added: 07/27/2024 20:02:26
pixel_trans.gif Almsford #0 - Ashley cant wait to see more of this!!! this was a fantastic read, and the illustrations are simply amazing. great characters and great premise!! consider me hooked!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Danger Doyle: Adventures in Saturn City
by Anthony
Publisher: Gallant Knight Games
Date Added: 07/25/2024 08:53:14
pixel_trans.gif Danger Doyle: Adventures in Saturn City (Please forgive the wall of text, I'm having trouble figuring out how to format this review.) I am a big fan of the work of both Alan Bahr and Nicolas R. Giacondino (NRG); GKG is one of my favorite game companies, and their collabs are always a lot of fun. I've not played "Tunnel Goons", the system that the game towards the end of the book is based on, but it seems simple enough, and several people I respect consider it a good time. That said, none of this review is about the game itself: I am just talking about the product as a whole, and the (what I consider to be a) slight disservice that the description does the product. For those confused, this is, from cover to cover, a work of fiction. Much like the novel-version of, say, "The Princess Bride", where the author William Goldman presents his story of Wesley and Buttercup as though it was a story that already existed, an old tale of his heritage that his elders read to him as a child that he is cleaning up and presenting to an audie...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Traveller: Far Trader #2
by Daryl
Publisher: AAM Markosia
Date Added: 07/20/2024 15:39:52
pixel_trans.gif Traveller: Far Trader #2 Not much character development yet, but it's only the 2nd issue. I like the moral dilemma around the new engineer. Wonder which way that will go.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Traveller: Far Trader #1
by Daryl
Publisher: AAM Markosia
Date Added: 07/20/2024 15:29:52
pixel_trans.gif Traveller: Far Trader #1 It's okay. If you're not a Traveller fan, this probably won't be up your alley. If you are, you'll likely support it just because it's Traveller. (That's why I bought it.) Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Crystal Heart
by Mathew
Publisher: Up to Four Players
Date Added: 07/02/2024 19:55:28
pixel_trans.gif Crystal Heart This setting is awesome. I was hesitant to buy it at first thinking it was a setting for kids, but it's not just for kids. This is one of best Savage Worlds settings ever. It's basically Agents of Shield (super-powered agents) in an awesome steampunk world full of mysteries and wonders. The characters gain themed powers and edges based on the crystal they choose, but these powers are not permanent. You can change crystals sometimes during your character's career. The crystal also messes with the characters' minds a bit giving them some fun hindrances, The setting rules are so well designed including the ability to pay a benny for a one-time power stunt using their crystals and fun interlude rules for creating stories of the agents' adventures. There are so many story possibilities with the variety of different lands, strange creatures, ancient tombs, mad science, floating islands, haunted lands, and the mysterious organization that the agents work for. I really love this produ...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Journey Through Fairhaven Preview
by Vanessa
Publisher: PrintableAdventure
Date Added: 06/30/2024 16:05:40
pixel_trans.gif Journey Through Fairhaven Preview Great concept! Looking forward to reading more of this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Exalted: Tale of the Visiting Flare
by Wojciech
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
Date Added: 06/24/2024 15:11:08
pixel_trans.gif Exalted: Tale of the Visiting Flare It's a neat tone-setter for Exalted. Looks lovely, the characters are evocative, and it's a bit sad that it doesn't have any follow-up in the vein of the UDON comics of old.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Book
Publisher: Renegade Game Studios
Date Added: 06/17/2024 17:03:49
pixel_trans.gif Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Book +++ A good lorebook (except for the Cybertron war story, not much too learn here) if you want to learn more about this world and characters. Buy the Decepticon sourcebook as well. Lots of nice and cool (comics) art. There is an introductory scenario. Some good lore and scenarios ideas inspired by places around the world. Lots of NPCs and baddies. - - - However the rules are an alternate version of d20 system. Instead of the easy advantage/disadvantage rule, they added another layer: you can change the dice type (like Savage Worlds) up or down. It’s slowing the pace of the games. Obviously a level-based system don’t match this kind of action movie stories. We need to be big heroes from the start. So you need to start at level 5 or 10 to have a cool character with cool powers you expect from Transformers. You can’t really play Dinobots without some tweaks. Bummer. Perhaps a future book? There are no interesting and narrative chase rules, no catalog of cool cars and planes to ...

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Dimday Red Quickstart
by Alex
Publisher: 1sickPuppy
Date Added: 06/14/2024 10:10:39
pixel_trans.gif Dimday Red Quickstart I'm so glad I chose to back this on Kickstarter. Why this zine is obsurdly fun: 1: Fanatics that follow the church of Ra. 2: Bad ass mutations caused by solar radiation. 3: Awesome mechanics built using the apoc system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
X-Men '97 Character Sheets | Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
by Lance W. E.
Publisher: Marvel
Date Added: 05/20/2024 00:44:42
pixel_trans.gif X-Men '97 Character Sheets | Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Great write ups for the main team of X-Men 97. Hope to see more content like this!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
X-Men '97 Character Sheets | Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
by Joe
Publisher: Marvel
Date Added: 05/19/2024 13:32:03
pixel_trans.gif X-Men '97 Character Sheets | Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Easy 5 star rating. First, it is free. It is a really nice teaser to get before the X-Men book, and a great way to keep the momentum of the X-Men '97 show going. Second, there are big name profiles we haven't seen before, not just adjusted cartoon versions of already statted out characters. Third, there are great new design elements that we've never seen in a resource before, notably on things like Iconic and Signature Weapons, that, in my mind, really open up the design space when you're creating your own characters. Art is great, and there's no fluff in this at all. 12 pages, 12 profiles. Not a thing to dislike, I don't know what more you could possibly ask for in a free product. I hope they do something like this after every TV show, what a great way to keep the momentum going between seasons. ...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Autarch
Date Added: 05/10/2024 16:48:40
pixel_trans.gif Ascendant Initially all of my time with Ascendant was theory crafting. From reading the book and messing around with creating characters it seemed to me that the game was heavy on the front end (character creation) but that all of that work on the character would translate to a smooth adjudication of gameplay. After playing a bit I am happy to say that my prediction panned out. I found the gameplay (as a GM and a player) to be rather fluid and quick to resolve without getting mired down.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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